Alan Parsons Project
Day After Day (the Show Must Go On)

Gaze at the sky
And picture a memory
Of days in your life
You knew what it meant to be happy and free
With time on your side...

Remember your daddy
When no one was wiser
Your ma used to say
That you would go further than he ever could
With time on your side...

Think of a boy with the stars in his eye
Longing to reach them but too frightened to try
Sadly you'd say someday, someday...

But day after day
The show must go on
And time slipped away
Before you could build any castles in Spain
The chance had gone by...

With nothing to say
And no one to say it to
Nothing has changed
You've still got it all to do
Surely you know
The chance has gone by...

Think of a boy with the stars in his eye
Longing to reach them but too frightened to try
Sadly you'd say someday, someday...

But day after day
The show must go on
And you gaze at the sky
And picture a memory
Of days in your life
With time on your side...

With time on your side...
(Day after day the show must go on...)
With time on your side...
(Day after day the show must go on...)

Mirror lyrics:

(Day after day the show must go on...)
With time on your side...
(Day after day the show must go on...)
With time on your side...

With time on your side...
Of days in your life
And picture a memory
And you gaze at the sky
The show must go on
But day after day

Sadly you'd say someday, someday...
Longing to reach them but too frightened to try
Think of a boy with the stars in his eye

The chance has gone by...
Surely you know
You've still got it all to do
Nothing has changed
And no one to say it to
With nothing to say

The chance had gone by...
Before you could build any castles in Spain
And time slipped away
The show must go on
But day after day

Sadly you'd say someday, someday...
Longing to reach them but too frightened to try
Think of a boy with the stars in his eye

With time on your side...
That you would go further than he ever could
Your ma used to say
When no one was wiser
Remember your daddy

With time on your side...
You knew what it meant to be happy and free
Of days in your life
And picture a memory
Gaze at the sky

Relevant Tags:
DDay AAfter DDay ((the SShow MMust GGo OOn) ay fter ay the how ust o n) aDy fAter aDy t(he hSow uMst oG nO) xay zfter xay (tthe zhow just ho kn) xDay zAfter xDay (he zShow jMust hGo kOn)
Dxay Azfter Dxay (hte Szhow Mjust Gho Okn) eay qfter eay (fhe whow kust yo 9n) eDay qAfter eDay (fthe wShow kMust yGo 9On) Deay Aqfter Deay (tfhe Swhow Mkust Gyo O9n) fay sfter fay (5he dhow nust bo 0n)
fDay sAfter fDay (5the dShow nMust bGo 0On) Dfay Asfter Dfay (t5he Sdhow Mnust Gbo O0n) ray wfter ray (hhe ehow Muust vo ln) rDay wAfter rDay (hthe eShow Mst vGo lOn) Dray Awfter Dray (thhe Sehow Msut Gvo Oln)
cay xfter cay (yhe xhow Mhst fo in) cDay xAfter cDay (ythe xShow Mhust fGo iOn) Dcay Axfter Dcay (tyhe Sxhow Muhst Gfo Oin) say Affter say (6he ahow M7st to Onn) sDay Ater sDay (6the aShow M7ust tGo O)
Dsay Atfer Dsay (t6he Sahow Mu7st Gto O)n Daay Acter Daay (ghe Shhow Mkst Goo Om) Dy Acfter Dy (gthe Sow G Omn) Dya Afcter Dya (tghe Sohw Mukst Go Onm) Dzy Arter Dzy (rhe Sjow Mist Gk Oh)
Dzay Arfter Dzay (rthe Sjhow Miust Gko Ohn) Dazy Afrter Dazy (trhe Shjow Muist Gok Onh) Dqy Agter Dqy Suow M8st G9 Oj) Dqay Agfter Dqay (te Suhow M8ust G9o Ojn) Daqy Afgter Daqy (teh Shuow Mu8st Go9 Onj)
Dsy Atter Dsy (tje Snow Mjst G0 Ob) Atfter (tjhe Snhow G0o Obn) Dasy Aftter Dasy (thje Shnow Mujst Go0 Onb) Dwy Avter Dwy (tue Sbow Myst Gl On)) Dway Avfter Dway (tuhe Sbhow Myust Glo On
Dawy Afvter Dawy (thue Shbow Muyst Gol On) Dxy Adter Dxy (tne Sgow Musst Gi Adfter (tnhe Sghow Mut Gio Daxy Afdter Daxy (thne Shgow Muts Goi Dayy Dayy (tbe Syow Muzt
Da Afer Da (tbhe Syhow Muzst Day Afetr Day (thbe Shyow Muszt Dag Affer Dag (tge Shoow Muwt Dagy Dagy Shw Muwst Dayg Aftfer Dayg (thge Shwo Muswt
Dah Af5er Dah (tye Shkw Mudt Dahy Af5ter Dahy Shkow Mudst Dayh Aft5er Dayh (thye Shokw Musdt Da6 Afher Da6 (thee Sh9w Muet Da6y Afhter Da6y (th Sh9ow Muest

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