T Bone Burnett
Earlier Baghdad (the Bounce)

I am not importantI am a broken manThrow myself on
your mercyYou who have wronged meI built my life in
vaingloryI lost sight of the lightWhere,
once, I walked down streets of goldI stumble through
the darknessI offer you my broken imageOn the altar
of your hatred for meIt's a phantom,
it is nothingBut it's all I have to giveEvery word
we say is crucialA lie to avoid a lieCan we bridge
the gap between us?Will you pray with me?
Could you use some quiet?Can you perform an exorcism?You've
numbed you conscience with sanctimonyI numbed mine
with narcissismI surrender to youYou,
who I so long despisedI will expect nothingBelieving
you to be kindCan you accept me,
shattered?Can you speak with one who is no one?
This must all be kept in contextAnd Yesenia gets a book deal

Mirror lyrics:

This must all be kept in contextAnd Yesenia gets a book deal
shattered?Can you speak with one who is no one?
you to be kindCan you accept me,
who I so long despisedI will expect nothingBelieving
with narcissismI surrender to youYou,
numbed you conscience with sanctimonyI numbed mine
Could you use some quiet?Can you perform an exorcism?You've
the gap between us?Will you pray with me?
we say is crucialA lie to avoid a lieCan we bridge
it is nothingBut it's all I have to giveEvery word
of your hatred for meIt's a phantom,
the darknessI offer you my broken imageOn the altar
once, I walked down streets of goldI stumble through
vaingloryI lost sight of the lightWhere,
your mercyYou who have wronged meI built my life in
I am not importantI am a broken manThrow myself on

Relevant Tags:
EEarlier BBaghdad ((the BBounce) arlier aghdad the ounce) aErlier aBghdad t(he oBunce) sarlier vaghdad (tthe vounce) sEarlier vBaghdad (he vBounce)
Esarlier Bvaghdad (hte Bvounce) 3arlier gaghdad (fhe gounce) 3Earlier gBaghdad (fthe gBounce) E3arlier Bgaghdad (tfhe Bgounce) farlier naghdad (5he nounce)
fEarlier nBaghdad (5the nBounce) Efarlier Bnaghdad (t5he Bnounce) rarlier haghdad (hhe hounce) rEarlier hBaghdad (hthe hBounce) Erarlier Bhaghdad (thhe Bhounce)
4arlier Baaghdad (yhe Boounce) 4Earlier Bghdad (ythe Bunce) E4arlier Bgahdad (tyhe Buonce) darlier Bzghdad (6he Bkunce) dEarlier Bzaghdad (6the Bkounce)
Edarlier Bazghdad (t6he Bokunce) warlier Bqghdad (ghe B9unce) wEarlier Bqaghdad (gthe B9ounce) Ewarlier Baqghdad (tghe Bo9unce) Eaarlier Bsghdad (rhe B0unce)
Erlier Bsaghdad (rthe B0ounce) Eralier Basghdad (trhe Bo0unce) Ezrlier Bwghdad Blunce) Ezarlier Bwaghdad (te Blounce) Eazrlier Bawghdad (teh Bolunce)
Eqrlier Bxghdad (tje Biunce) Eqarlier Bxaghdad (tjhe Biounce) Eaqrlier Baxghdad (thje Boiunce) Esrlier Bagghdad (tue Bouunce) Bahdad (tuhe Bonce)
Easrlier Bahgdad (thue Bonuce) Ewrlier Bahhdad (tne Bohnce) Bahghdad (tnhe Bohunce) Eawrlier Baghhdad (thne Bouhnce) Exrlier Bayhdad (tbe Bo7nce)
Exarlier Bayghdad (tbhe Bo7unce) Eaxrlier Bagyhdad (thbe Bou7nce) Earrlier Babhdad (tge Boknce) Ealier Babghdad Ealrier Bagbhdad (thge Bouknce)
Eadlier Bavhdad (tye Boince) Eadrlier Bavghdad Eardlier Bagvhdad (thye Bouince) Ea4lier Bafhdad (thee Bo8nce) Ea4rlier Bafghdad (th Bo8unce)
Ear4lier Bagfhdad (the Bou8nce) Eaglier Bathdad (ths Bojnce) Eagrlier Batghdad (thse Bojunce) Earglier Bagthdad (thes Boujnce) Eatlier (th3 Boynce)
Eatrlier Bagdad (th3e Boyunce) Eartlier Bagdhad (the3 Bouynce) Ea5lier Bagjdad (thf Bounnce) Ea5rlier Bagjhdad (thfe Bouce) Ear5lier Baghjdad (thef Boucne)
Eaflier Bagudad (thr Boumce) Eafrlier Baguhdad (thre Boumnce) Earflier Baghudad (ther Bounmce) Eaelier Bagndad (th4 Bouhce) Eaerlier Bagnhdad (th4e
Earelier Baghndad (the4 Bounhce) Earllier Bagbdad (thd Boujce) Earier (thde Eariler Baghbdad (thed Bounjce) Earkier Baggdad (thw Boubce)

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