Tammy Cochran
Going, Going, Gone

(Will Rambeaux - Jon Davis - Sherrie Austin)

A cold cup of coffee and a sad song
I turn up the radio and I sing along
I know you once loved me in your own way
When the sun finds your window I'll be miles away.

And I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone.

Well, leaving might kill me but I can't stay
Just watch the fire die a little more everyday.

Yeah, I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone.

Yeah, I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone...

Mirror lyrics:

Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone...
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
Yeah, I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door

Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone.
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
Yeah, I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door

Just watch the fire die a little more everyday.
Well, leaving might kill me but I can't stay

Like the moon fades with the dawn I'm going, going, gone.
And it's too late for your words to stop me crossing that floor
And I'm one step ahead of the heartache, one foot out the door

When the sun finds your window I'll be miles away.
I know you once loved me in your own way
I turn up the radio and I sing along
A cold cup of coffee and a sad song

(Will Rambeaux - Jon Davis - Sherrie Austin)

Relevant Tags:
GGoing, GGoing, GGone oing, oing, one oGing, oGing, oGne hoing, hoing, hone hGoing, hGoing, hGone Ghoing, Ghoing, Ghone
yoing, yoing, yone yGoing, yGoing, yGone Gyoing, Gyoing, Gyone boing, boing, bone bGoing, bGoing, bGone Gboing, Gboing, Gbone
voing, voing, vone vGoing, vGoing, vGone Gvoing, Gvoing, Gvone foing, foing, fone fGoing, fGoing, fGone Gfoing, Gfoing, Gfone
toing, toing, tone tGoing, tGoing, tGone Gtoing, Gtoing, Gtone Gooing, Gooing, Goone Ging, Ging, Gne Giong, Giong, Gnoe
Gking, Gking, Gkne Gkoing, Gkoing, Gkone Goking, Goking, Gokne G9ing, G9ing, G9ne G9oing, G9oing, G9one Go9ing, Go9ing, Go9ne
G0ing, G0ing, G0ne G0oing, G0oing, G0one Go0ing, Go0ing, Go0ne Gling, Gling, Glne Gloing, Gloing, Glone Goling, Goling, Golne
Giing, Giing, Gine Gioing, Gioing, Gione Goiing, Goiing, Goine Gonne Gong, Gong, Goe Gonig, Gonig, Goen
Gojng, Gojng, Gome Gojing, Gojing, Gomne Goijng, Goijng, Gonme Go9ng, Go9ng, Gohe Gohne

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