Tally Hall
Ruler Of Everything

Juno was mad;
He knew he'd been had
So he shot at the sun with a gun
Shot at the sun with a gun
Shot at his wiley one only friend

In the gallows or the ghetto
In the town or the meadow
In the pillows even over the sun
Every end of the time is another begun

You understand
Mechanical hands
Are the ruler of everything (ahh!)
Ruler of everything (ahh!)
I'm the ruler of everything
In the end

Do you like how I dance?
I've got zirconium pants!
Consequential enough
To slip you into a trance

Do you like how I walk?
Do you like how I talk?
Do you like how my face
Disintegrates into chalk?

I have a wonderful wife
I have a powerful job
She criticizes me for being egocentric (ha ha ha)

You practice your mannerisms
Into the wall
If this mirror were clearer
I'd be standing so tall

I saw you slobber over clovers on the side of the hill
I was observing the birds
Circle in for the kill

I've been you
I know you
Your facade is a scam

You know you're making me cry
This is the way that I am

I've been living a lie
A metamorphical scheme
Detective undercover brotherhood
Objective: obscene

Oh no, no?
Oh yeah

Do you hear the flibbity jibbity jibber jabber
With an oh my god I've got to get out of here or I'll have another
Word to sell
Another story to tell
Another time piece ringing the bell
Do you hear the clock stop when you reach the end
You know it must be neverending
Comprehend if you can
But when you try to pretend to understand
You resemble a fool
Although you're only a man
So give it up and


You understand
Mechanical hands
Are the ruler of everything
Ruler of everything
I'm the ruler of everything
In the end

Without looking down
Gliding around
Like a bumbling dragon I fly
Scraping my face on the sky

Oh no, no?
Oh yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Oh yeah
Oh no, no?

Scraping my face on the sky
Like a bumbling dragon I fly
Gliding around
Without looking down

In the end
I'm the ruler of everything
Ruler of everything
Are the ruler of everything
Mechanical hands
You understand


So give it up and
Although you're only a man
You resemble a fool
But when you try to pretend to understand
Comprehend if you can
You know it must be neverending
Do you hear the clock stop when you reach the end
Another time piece ringing the bell
Another story to tell
Word to sell
With an oh my god I've got to get out of here or I'll have another
Do you hear the flibbity jibbity jibber jabber

Oh yeah
Oh no, no?

Objective: obscene
Detective undercover brotherhood
A metamorphical scheme
I've been living a lie

This is the way that I am
You know you're making me cry

Your facade is a scam
I know you
I've been you

Circle in for the kill
I was observing the birds
I saw you slobber over clovers on the side of the hill

I'd be standing so tall
If this mirror were clearer
Into the wall
You practice your mannerisms

She criticizes me for being egocentric (ha ha ha)
I have a powerful job
I have a wonderful wife

Disintegrates into chalk?
Do you like how my face
Do you like how I talk?
Do you like how I walk?

To slip you into a trance
Consequential enough
I've got zirconium pants!
Do you like how I dance?

In the end
I'm the ruler of everything
Ruler of everything (ahh!)
Are the ruler of everything (ahh!)
Mechanical hands
You understand

Every end of the time is another begun
In the pillows even over the sun
In the town or the meadow
In the gallows or the ghetto

Shot at his wiley one only friend
Shot at the sun with a gun
So he shot at the sun with a gun
He knew he'd been had
Juno was mad;

Relevant Tags:
RRuler OOf EEverything uler f verything uRler fO vEerything duler kf sverything dRuler kOf sEverything Rduler Okf Esverything
4uler 9f 3verything 4Ruler 9Of 3Everything R4uler O9f E3verything guler 0f fverything gRuler 0Of fEverything Rguler O0f Efverything
tuler lf rverything tRuler lOf rEverything Rtuler Olf Erverything 5uler if 4verything 5Ruler iOf 4Everything R5uler Oif E4verything
fuler Off dverything fRuler O dEverything Rfuler Of Edverything euler Oc wverything eRuler Ocf wEverything Reuler Ofc Ewverything
Ruuler Or Evverything Rler Orf Eerything Rluer Ofr Eevrything Rhler Og Eberything Rhuler Ogf Ebverything Ruhler Ofg Evberything
R7ler Ot Ecerything R7uler Otf Ecverything Ru7ler Oft Evcerything Rkler Ov Egerything Rkuler Ovf Egverything Rukler Ofv Evgerything
Riler Od Eferything Riuler Odf Ruiler Ofd Evferything R8ler Eveerything R8uler Evrything Ru8ler Evreything
Rjler Evsrything Rjuler Evserything Rujler Evesrything Ryler Ev3rything Ryuler Ev3erything Ruyler Eve3rything
Ruller Evfrything Ruer Ruelr Evefrything Ruker Evrrything Evrerything Rulker Everrything
Ruoer Ev4rything Ruoler Ev4erything Ruloer Eve4rything Ruper Evdrything Rupler Evderything Rulper Evedrything
Ruleer Evwrything Rulr Evwerything Rulre Evewrything Rulsr Rulser Eveything Rulesr Eveyrthing
Rul3r Evedything Rul3er Rule3r Everdything Rulfr Eve4ything Rulfer Rulefr Ever4ything
Rulrr Evegything Rulrer Evegrything Rulerr Evergything Rul4r Evetything Rul4er Evetrything Rule4r Evertything
Ruldr Eve5ything Rulder Eve5rything Ruledr Ever5ything Rulwr Evefything Rulwer Rulewr Everfything
Eveeything Rule Ruler Evereything Ruled Everyything Everthing Rulerd Evertyhing
Rule4 Evergthing Ruler4 Everygthing Ruleg Everhthing Rulegr Everhything Rulerg Everyhthing Rulet Ever6thing

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