Talking Heads
I Get Wild (wild Gravity)

Fooled around enough with numbers
Let's not be ourselves today
Is it just my imagination
Is it just someone's fave
Pleasantly out of proportion
It's hard to hold on to the ground
Now I didn't come to run
And this is everything
And gravity lets you down

I get wild, wizing up
I just can't let go
I get wild when I get ready
I can hardly talk
Living lights
Special lights
Yellow turns blue
I get wild It's automatic
I can hardly move

Go ahead and pull the curtains
Check to see if I'm still here
Let me lose my perspective
Something worth waiting for
Somewhere in South Carolina
And gravity don't mean a thing
And all around the world
Each and ev'ryone
Playing with a heart of steel

I get up climbing out
How did I get home?
I'll survive the situation
Somebody shut the door
Climbing up the wall
I get by on automatic
No surprise at all

No one here can recognize you
Here is ev'rything that you like
Feelings without explanations
Somethings are hard to describe
The sound of a cigarette burning
A place there where ev'rything spins
And the sounds inside your mind
Is playing all the time
Playing with a heart of steel

I get wild, wizing up
I just can't let go
I get wild when I get ready
I can hardly talk
Red 'n' white black to gold
Yellow turns blue
I get wild It's automatic
I can hardly move

I get up pushing up
How did I get home?
I'll survive the situation
Somebody shut the door
Shut the door
Shut the door
Climbing up the wall
I get by on automatic
No surprise at all

Mirror lyrics:

No surprise at all
I get by on automatic
Climbing up the wall
Shut the door
Shut the door
Somebody shut the door
I'll survive the situation
How did I get home?
I get up pushing up

I can hardly move
I get wild It's automatic
Yellow turns blue
Red 'n' white black to gold
I can hardly talk
I get wild when I get ready
I just can't let go
I get wild, wizing up

Playing with a heart of steel
Is playing all the time
And the sounds inside your mind
A place there where ev'rything spins
The sound of a cigarette burning
Somethings are hard to describe
Feelings without explanations
Here is ev'rything that you like
No one here can recognize you

No surprise at all
I get by on automatic
Climbing up the wall
Somebody shut the door
I'll survive the situation
How did I get home?
I get up climbing out

Playing with a heart of steel
Each and ev'ryone
And all around the world
And gravity don't mean a thing
Somewhere in South Carolina
Something worth waiting for
Let me lose my perspective
Check to see if I'm still here
Go ahead and pull the curtains

I can hardly move
I get wild It's automatic
Yellow turns blue
Special lights
Living lights
I can hardly talk
I get wild when I get ready
I just can't let go
I get wild, wizing up

And gravity lets you down
And this is everything
Now I didn't come to run
It's hard to hold on to the ground
Pleasantly out of proportion
Is it just someone's fave
Is it just my imagination
Let's not be ourselves today
Fooled around enough with numbers

Relevant Tags:
II GGet WWild ((wild GGravity) et ild wild ravity) I eGt iWld w(ild rGavity) j het aild (wwild hravity) jI hGet aWild (ild hGravity)
Ij Ghet Waild (iwld Ghravity) 9 yet 3ild (aild yravity) 9I yGet 3Wild (awild yGravity) I9 Gyet W3ild (waild Gyravity) l bet dild (3ild bravity)
lI bGet dWild (3wild bGravity) Il Gbet Wdild (w3ild Gbravity) o vet eild (dild vravity) oI vGet eWild (dwild vGravity) Io Gvet Weild (wdild Gvravity)
k fet sild (eild fravity) kI fGet sWild (ewild fGravity) Ik Gfet Wsild (weild Gfravity) 8 tet 2ild (sild travity) 8I tGet 2Wild (swild tGravity)
I8 Gtet W2ild (wsild Gtravity) u Geet qild (2ild Grravity) uI Gt qWild (2wild Gavity) Iu Gte Wqild (w2ild Garvity) Gst Wiild (qild Gdavity)
Gset Wld (qwild Gdravity) Gest Wlid (wqild Grdavity) G3t Wjld (wiild G4avity) G3et Wjild (wld G4ravity) Ge3t Wijld (wlid Gr4avity)
Gft W9ld (wjld Ggavity) W9ild (wjild Ggravity) Geft Wi9ld (wijld Grgavity) Grt Wlld (w9ld Gtavity) Gret Wlild (w9ild
Gert Willd (wi9ld Grtavity) G4t Wold (wlld G5avity) G4et Woild (wlild G5ravity) Ge4t Wiold (willd Gr5avity) Gdt Wkld (wold Gfavity)
Gdet Wkild (woild Gedt Wikld (wiold Grfavity) Gwt W8ld (wkld Geavity) Gwet W8ild (wkild Geravity) Gewt Wi8ld (wikld Greavity)
Gett Wuld (w8ld Graavity) Ge Wuild (w8ild Grvity) Get Wiuld (wi8ld Grvaity) Gef (wuld Grzvity) Wid (wuild Grzavity)
Getf Widl (wiuld Grazvity) Ge5 Wikd Grqvity) Ge5t (wid Grqavity) Get5 Wilkd (widl Graqvity) Geh Wiod (wikd Grsvity)
Geht Grsavity) Geth Wilod (wilkd Grasvity) Gey Wipd (wiod Grwvity) Geyt Wipld Grwavity) Gety Wilpd (wilod Grawvity)
Ge6 Wildd (wipd Grxvity) Ge6t Wil (wipld Grxavity) Get6 Wild (wilpd Graxvity) Geg Wilx (wildd Gravvity) Gegt Wilxd (wil Graity)
Getg Wildx (wild Graivty) Ger Wile (wilx Grabity) Wiled (wilxd Grabvity) Getr Wilde (wildx Gravbity) Wilf (wile Gracity)
Wilfd (wiled Gracvity) Wildf (wilde Gravcity) Wilr (wilf Gragity)

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