Tammy Cochran
What Kind Of Women Would I Be

Every time you hurt me, it's the same old thing.
I wipe away my tears, sit down in front of the mirror,
And fix my face.
That's when you say you're sorry an' get down on your knees:
I always give you one more chance to make it up to me.
Oh, baby, if I didn't, what kind of woman would I be?

If I forgot about us, an', just for once, thought about me,
What kind of woman would I be?
Out on my own, would I make a fresh start?
Find somebody knew, or would I fall apart?
Some women move on, exceed their dreams,
While others spend their lives lonely.
If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,
What kind of woman would I be?

Would I turn out like Tina Murphy, you know, after she left Steve?
She went back to college, she'll graduate this autumn,
I thought she'd never leave.
Would I be like my friend, Brenda, who hates livin' alone?
She calls me every night, cryin' on the 'phone.
If I stopped cookin' your supper, an' grabbed my my kids,
What kind of woman would I be?

If I forgot about us, an', just for once, thought about me,
What kind of woman would I be?
Out on my own, would I make a fresh start?
Find somebody knew, or would I fall apart?
Some women move on, exceed their dreams,
While others spend their lives lonely.
If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,
What kind of woman would I be?

If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,
What kind of woman would I be?

Mirror lyrics:

What kind of woman would I be?
If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,

What kind of woman would I be?
If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,
While others spend their lives lonely.
Some women move on, exceed their dreams,
Find somebody knew, or would I fall apart?
Out on my own, would I make a fresh start?
What kind of woman would I be?
If I forgot about us, an', just for once, thought about me,

What kind of woman would I be?
If I stopped cookin' your supper, an' grabbed my my kids,
She calls me every night, cryin' on the 'phone.
Would I be like my friend, Brenda, who hates livin' alone?
I thought she'd never leave.
She went back to college, she'll graduate this autumn,
Would I turn out like Tina Murphy, you know, after she left Steve?

What kind of woman would I be?
If tonight, I were to pack my bags an' leave,
While others spend their lives lonely.
Some women move on, exceed their dreams,
Find somebody knew, or would I fall apart?
Out on my own, would I make a fresh start?
What kind of woman would I be?
If I forgot about us, an', just for once, thought about me,

Oh, baby, if I didn't, what kind of woman would I be?
I always give you one more chance to make it up to me.
That's when you say you're sorry an' get down on your knees:
And fix my face.
I wipe away my tears, sit down in front of the mirror,
Every time you hurt me, it's the same old thing.

Relevant Tags:
WWhat KKind OOf WWomen WWould II BBe hat ind f omen ould e hWat iKnd fO oWmen oWuld I eB ahat lind kf aomen aould j ve aWhat lKind kOf aWomen aWould jI vBe
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W2hat Knid Of W2omen W2ould I8 Bes qhat Kjnd Oc qomen qould u B3 qWhat Ocf qWomen qWould uI B3e Wqhat Kijnd Ofc Wqomen Wqould Iu Be3 Whhat K9nd Or Woomen Woould Bf
Wat K9ind Orf Wmen Wuld Bfe Waht Ki9nd Ofr Wmoen Wuold Bef Wjat Klnd Og Wkmen Wkuld Br Wjhat Ogf Wkomen Wkould Bre Whjat Kilnd Ofg Wokmen Wokuld Ber
Wuat Kond Ot W9men W9uld B4 Wuhat Otf W9omen W9ould B4e Whuat Kiond Oft Wo9men Wo9uld Be4 Wnat Kknd Ov W0men W0uld Bd Wnhat Kkind Ovf W0omen W0ould Bde
Whnat Kiknd Ofv Wo0men Wo0uld Bed Wbat K8nd Od Wlmen Wluld Bw Wbhat K8ind Odf Wlomen Wlould Bwe Whbat Ki8nd Ofd Wolmen Woluld Bew Wgat Kund Wimen Wiuld
Wghat Kuind Wiomen Wiould Whgat Kiund Woimen Woiuld Wyat Kinnd Wommen Wouuld Wyhat Kid Woen Wold Whyat Kidn Woemn Wolud
Whaat Kimd Wojen Wohld Wht Kimnd Wojmen Wohuld Whta Kinmd Womjen Wouhld

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