Of Time And Dust

There's only one we've all fought for
Give us your grace
We're the eager sons of you bear and eat
with skies on your face
In all the flesh the craving lives for the embrace
of our cruel mother, the dark queen of our short days

The heart of flame, the skin of snow,
the cloak of air to kindle our lust.
The womb of seas, the bosom of stones
The cradle of earth will kiss your bones to dust

when the earth has gone, will we be adopted by strange stars?
the love won't die, neither will war
and we find no rest apart

The heart of flame, the skin of snow,
the cloak of air to kindle our lust.
The womb of seas, the bosom of stones
The cradle of earth will kiss your bones to dust

Timeless the burning, the anger of suns.
Endlessly turning what never has begun.

Mirror lyrics:

Endlessly turning what never has begun.
Timeless the burning, the anger of suns.

The cradle of earth will kiss your bones to dust
The womb of seas, the bosom of stones
the cloak of air to kindle our lust.
The heart of flame, the skin of snow,

and we find no rest apart
the love won't die, neither will war
when the earth has gone, will we be adopted by strange stars?

The cradle of earth will kiss your bones to dust
The womb of seas, the bosom of stones
the cloak of air to kindle our lust.
The heart of flame, the skin of snow,

of our cruel mother, the dark queen of our short days
In all the flesh the craving lives for the embrace
with skies on your face
We're the eager sons of you bear and eat
Give us your grace
There's only one we've all fought for

Relevant Tags:
OOf TTime AAnd DDust f ime nd ust fO iTme nAd uDst kf fime znd xust kOf fTime zAnd xDust Okf Tfime Aznd Dxust 9f 5ime qnd eust
9Of 5Time qAnd eDust O9f T5ime Aqnd Deust 0f hime snd fust 0Of hTime sAnd fDust O0f Thime Asnd Dfust lf yime wnd rust lOf yTime wAnd rDust
Olf Tyime Awnd Drust if 6ime xnd cust iOf 6Time xAnd cDust Oif T6ime Axnd Dcust Off gime Annd sust O gTime Ad sDust Of Tgime Adn Dsust
Oc rime Amd Duust Ocf rTime Amnd Dst Ofc Trime Anmd Dsut Or Tiime Ahd Dhst Orf Tme Ahnd Dhust Ofr Tmie Anhd Duhst Og Tjme Ajd D7st
Ogf Tjime Ajnd D7ust Ofg Tijme Anjd Du7st Ot T9me Abd Dkst Otf T9ime Abnd Dkust Oft Ti9me Anbd Dukst Ov Tlme Andd Dist Ovf Tlime An Diust
Ofv Tilme And Duist Od Tome Anx D8st Odf Toime Anxd D8ust Ofd Tiome Andx Du8st Tkme Ane Djst Tkime Aned Djust Tikme Ande Dujst
T8me Anf Dyst T8ime Anfd Dyust Ti8me Andf Duyst

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