Tara Oram
Ain't Gonna Happen

If you were the sunshine
I would stand in the rain
If you were a long day
I would sleep it away
If you were a love song
I'd hate to sing it
If you were the truth
I'd never believe it

Ain't gonna happen
As long as I'm breathing
As long as I'm walking on this earth
As long as it turns around
Ain't gonna happen not in this lifetime
Not in a million years will I ever take you back
Oh no, it ain't gonna happen
As long as I'm breathing

If you were a lesson
I would never learn it
If you were a hundred dollar bill
I would burn it
If you were a heart
I'm wanna break it
If you were a smile
Well I'd have to fake it

Ain't gonna happen
As long as I'm breathing
As long as I'm walking on this earth
As long as it turns around
Ain't gonna happen not in this lifetime
Not in a million years will I ever take you back
Oh no, it ain't gonna happen
As long as I'm breathing

If you were water I'd die thirsty
If you were a long bath I'd stay dirty
If you were a memory I'd never remember
If you were July, I'd be December
If you were my last wish, I wouldn't wish it
If you were my lost dong, I wouldn't miss it
If you were a good book I wouldn't read it
If you were chocolate, I wouldn't eat it
Ain't gonna happen

Mirror lyrics:

Ain't gonna happen
If you were chocolate, I wouldn't eat it
If you were a good book I wouldn't read it
If you were my lost dong, I wouldn't miss it
If you were my last wish, I wouldn't wish it
If you were July, I'd be December
If you were a memory I'd never remember
If you were a long bath I'd stay dirty
If you were water I'd die thirsty

As long as I'm breathing
Oh no, it ain't gonna happen
Not in a million years will I ever take you back
Ain't gonna happen not in this lifetime
As long as it turns around
As long as I'm walking on this earth
As long as I'm breathing
Ain't gonna happen

Well I'd have to fake it
If you were a smile
I'm wanna break it
If you were a heart
I would burn it
If you were a hundred dollar bill
I would never learn it
If you were a lesson

As long as I'm breathing
Oh no, it ain't gonna happen
Not in a million years will I ever take you back
Ain't gonna happen not in this lifetime
As long as it turns around
As long as I'm walking on this earth
As long as I'm breathing
Ain't gonna happen

I'd never believe it
If you were the truth
I'd hate to sing it
If you were a love song
I would sleep it away
If you were a long day
I would stand in the rain
If you were the sunshine

Relevant Tags:
AAin't GGonna HHappen in't onna appen iAn't oGnna aHppen zin't honna jappen zAin't hGonna jHappen Azin't Ghonna Hjappen
qin't yonna uappen qAin't yGonna uHappen Aqin't Gyonna Huappen sin't bonna nappen sAin't bGonna nHappen Asin't Gbonna Hnappen
win't vonna bappen wAin't vGonna bHappen Awin't Gvonna Hbappen xin't fonna gappen xAin't fGonna gHappen Axin't Gfonna Hgappen
Aiin't tonna yappen An't tGonna yHappen Ani't Gtonna Hyappen Ajn't Goonna Haappen Ajin't Gnna Hppen Aijn't Gnona Hpapen
A9n't Gknna Hzppen A9in't Gkonna Hzappen Ai9n't Goknna Hazppen Aln't G9nna Hqppen Alin't G9onna Hqappen Ailn't Go9nna Haqppen
Aon't G0nna Hsppen Aoin't G0onna Hsappen Aion't Go0nna Hasppen Akn't Glnna Hwppen Akin't Glonna Hwappen Aikn't Golnna Hawppen
A8n't Ginna Hxppen A8in't Gionna Hxappen Ai8n't Goinna Haxppen Aun't Gonnna Happpen Auin't Gona Hapen Aiun't Gonna Happen
Ainn't Gomna Ha0pen Ai't Gomnna Ha0ppen Ai'nt Gonmna Hap0pen Aim't Gohna Halpen Aimn't Gohnna Halppen Ainm't Gonhna Haplpen

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