Talking Heads
Crosseyed And Painless

Lost my shape
Trying to act casual
Can't stop
I might end up in the hospital
I'm changing my shape
I feel like an accident
They're back
To explain their experience

Isn't it weird
Looks too obscure to me
Wasting away
And that was their policy

I'm ready to leave
I push the fact in front of me
Facts lost
Facts are never what they seem to be
Nothing there
No information left of any kind
Lifting my head
Looking for danger signs

There was a line
There was a formula
Sharp as a knife
Facts cut a hole in us
There was a line
There was a forula
Sharp as a knife
Facts cut a hole in us

I'm still waiting (x8)

The feeling returns
Whenever we close out eyes
Lifting my head
Looking around inside

The island of doubt
It's like the taste of medicine
Working by hindsight
Got the message from the oxygen
Making a list
Find the cost of opportunity
Doing it right
Facts are useless in emergencies

The feeling returns
Whenever we close out eyes
Lifting my head
Looking around inside

Facts are simple and facts are straight
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts all come with points of view
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are nothing on the face of things
Facts don't stain the furniture
Facts go out and slam the door
Facts are written all over your face
Facts continue to change their shape

I'm still waiting (x8)

Mirror lyrics:

I'm still waiting (x8)

Facts continue to change their shape
Facts are written all over your face
Facts go out and slam the door
Facts don't stain the furniture
Facts are nothing on the face of things
Facts are getting the best of them
Facts are living turned inside out
Facts just twist the truth around
Facts don't do what I want them to
Facts all come with points of view
Facts are lazy and facts are late
Facts are simple and facts are straight

Looking around inside
Lifting my head
Whenever we close out eyes
The feeling returns

Facts are useless in emergencies
Doing it right
Find the cost of opportunity
Making a list
Got the message from the oxygen
Working by hindsight
It's like the taste of medicine
The island of doubt

Looking around inside
Lifting my head
Whenever we close out eyes
The feeling returns

I'm still waiting (x8)

Facts cut a hole in us
Sharp as a knife
There was a forula
There was a line
Facts cut a hole in us
Sharp as a knife
There was a formula
There was a line

Looking for danger signs
Lifting my head
No information left of any kind
Nothing there
Facts are never what they seem to be
Facts lost
I push the fact in front of me
I'm ready to leave

And that was their policy
Wasting away
Looks too obscure to me
Isn't it weird

To explain their experience
They're back
I feel like an accident
I'm changing my shape
I might end up in the hospital
Can't stop
Trying to act casual
Lost my shape

Relevant Tags:
CCrosseyed AAnd PPainless rosseyed nd ainless rCosseyed nAd aPinless frosseyed znd 0ainless fCrosseyed zAnd 0Painless Cfrosseyed Aznd P0ainless
xrosseyed qnd lainless xCrosseyed qAnd lPainless Cxrosseyed Aqnd Plainless vrosseyed snd oainless vCrosseyed sAnd oPainless Cvrosseyed Asnd Poainless
drosseyed wnd Paainless dCrosseyed wAnd Pinless Cdrosseyed Awnd Pianless Crrosseyed xnd Pzinless Cosseyed xAnd Pzainless Corsseyed Axnd Pazinless
Cdosseyed Annd Pqinless Ad Pqainless Crdosseyed Adn Paqinless C4osseyed Amd Psinless C4rosseyed Amnd Psainless Cr4osseyed Anmd Pasinless
Cgosseyed Ahd Pwinless Cgrosseyed Ahnd Pwainless Crgosseyed Anhd Pawinless Ctosseyed Ajd Pxinless Ctrosseyed Ajnd Pxainless Crtosseyed Anjd Paxinless
C5osseyed Abd Paiinless C5rosseyed Abnd Panless Cr5osseyed Anbd Paniless Cfosseyed Andd Pajnless An Pajinless Crfosseyed And Paijnless
Ceosseyed Anx Pa9nless Cerosseyed Anxd Pa9inless Creosseyed Andx Pai9nless Croosseyed Ane Palnless Crsseyed Aned Palinless Crsoseyed Ande Pailnless
Crksseyed Anf Paonless Crkosseyed Anfd Paoinless Croksseyed Andf Paionless Cr9sseyed Anr Paknless Cr9osseyed Anrd Pakinless Cro9sseyed Andr Paiknless
Cr0sseyed Anc Pa8nless Cr0osseyed Ancd Pa8inless Cro0sseyed Andc Pai8nless Crlsseyed Ans Paunless Crlosseyed Ansd Pauinless Crolsseyed Ands Paiunless
Crisseyed Painnless Criosseyed Pailess Croisseyed Pailness Crossseyed Paimless Croseyed Paimnless Crosseyed Painmless
Crozseyed Paihless Crozsseyed Paihnless Croszseyed Painhless Crowseyed Paijless Crowsseyed Croswseyed Painjless
Crodseyed Paibless Crodsseyed Paibnless Crosdseyed Painbless Croeseyed Painlless Croesseyed Painess Croseseyed Painelss
Croxseyed Painkess Croxsseyed Painkless Crosxseyed Painlkess Croaseyed Painoess Croasseyed Painoless Crosaseyed Painloess
Painpess Painpless Crosesyed Painlpess Croszeyed Painleess Painlss Crosszeyed Painlses
Crosweyed Painlsss Painlsess

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