Talking Heads
Give Me Back My Name

There's a word for it
And words don't mean a thing
There's a name for it
And names make all the difference in the world
Some things can never be spoken
Some things cannot be pronounced
That word does not exist in any language
It will never be uttered by a human mouth

Let X make a statement
Let breath pass through those cracked lips
That man was my hero
And now that word has been taken from us

Some things can never be spoken
Some things cannot be pronounced
That word does not exist in any language
It will never be uttered by a human mouth

Give me back my name
Give me back my name
Something has been changed in my life
Something has been changed in my life
Something must be returned to us
Something must be returned to us

Mirror lyrics:

Something must be returned to us
Something must be returned to us
Something has been changed in my life
Something has been changed in my life
Give me back my name
Give me back my name

It will never be uttered by a human mouth
That word does not exist in any language
Some things cannot be pronounced
Some things can never be spoken

And now that word has been taken from us
That man was my hero
Let breath pass through those cracked lips
Let X make a statement

It will never be uttered by a human mouth
That word does not exist in any language
Some things cannot be pronounced
Some things can never be spoken
And names make all the difference in the world
There's a name for it
And words don't mean a thing
There's a word for it

Relevant Tags:
GGive MMe BBack MMy NName ive e ack y ame iGve eM aBck yM aNme hive je vack jy mame hGive jMe vBack jMy mName Ghive Mje Bvack Mjy Nmame
yive ke gack ky hame yGive kMe gBack kMy hName Gyive Mke Bgack Mky Nhame bive ne nack ny jame bGive nMe nBack nMy jName Gbive Mne Bnack Mny Njame
vive Mee hack Myy bame vGive M hBack M bName Gvive Me Bhack My Nbame five Ms Baack Mg Naame fGive Mse Bck Mgy Nme Gfive Mes Bcak Myg Nmae
tive M3 Bzck Mh Nzme tGive M3e Bzack Mhy Nzame Gtive Me3 Bazck Myh Nazme Giive Mf Bqck M6 Nqme Gve Mfe Bqack M6y Nqame Gvie Mef Baqck My6 Naqme
Gjve Mr Bsck Mu Nsme Gjive Mre Bsack Muy Nsame Gijve Mer Basck Myu Nasme G9ve M4 Bwck M7 Nwme G9ive M4e Bwack M7y Nwame Gi9ve Me4 Bawck My7 Nawme
Glve Md Bxck Mj Nxme Glive Mde Bxack Nxame Gilve Med Baxck Myj Naxme Gove Mw Bacck Mt Namme Goive Mwe Bak Mty Nae Giove Mew Bakc Myt Naem
Gkve Bafk Naje Gkive Bafck Najme Gikve Bacfk Namje G8ve Baxk Nake G8ive Nakme Gi8ve Bacxk Namke

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