Talib Kweli
Talk To You (lil' Darlin')

Let me holler at you

[Talib and Bilal]
Can I talk to you?(x5)

I want you, cuz you make my heart skip the beat that I drum to
I want to be the one you run to, when pain confronts you
You're everything, sometimes I get nervous when I'm in front you
You can hear it in my voice when I ask you if you comfortable
Look how love do, I'd practice the Art of War for you like Sun Tzu
Come through and arouse you every morning like the sun do
If you blackout and collapse I want to help you to come to
Notice I haven't yet got into what I want from you
I want you to come to when I come through and make you shine like the sun do
I want you to be the valley for my river to run through
You're everything, you send your soul through your lips to my heart
Sweet music will start I want you to be the music of my art
When people try to rip us apart we got to work to stay together
Go through the seasons of love and never change with the weather
This is my wish list, what I want not what I need there's a difference
These days I'm learning that words got power so I'ma be specific

Can I have a talk with you?
Can I make a dream come true?
Can I be in love with you?
Cuz I would if I could

Yeah sunflower
You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes
I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream

Lil' darlin'
Set your soul on fire (lil' darlin')
Be your one desire (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin'
Can I talk to you? (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin', lil' darlin'
Can I talk? (lil' darlin')
Can I talk, can I talk, can I?
Lil' darlin' (lil' darlin')
Can I talk to you? (lil' darlin')
Let him talk to you
Set your soul on fire

Mirror lyrics:

Set your soul on fire
Let him talk to you
Can I talk to you? (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin' (lil' darlin')
Can I talk, can I talk, can I?
Can I talk? (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin', lil' darlin'
Can I talk to you? (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin'
Be your one desire (lil' darlin')
Set your soul on fire (lil' darlin')
Lil' darlin'

I see you when I fall asleep, I see you when I dream
You must live in the infinite blackness that exists when I close my eyes
Yeah sunflower

Cuz I would if I could
Can I be in love with you?
Can I make a dream come true?
Can I have a talk with you?

These days I'm learning that words got power so I'ma be specific
This is my wish list, what I want not what I need there's a difference
Go through the seasons of love and never change with the weather
When people try to rip us apart we got to work to stay together
Sweet music will start I want you to be the music of my art
You're everything, you send your soul through your lips to my heart
I want you to be the valley for my river to run through
I want you to come to when I come through and make you shine like the sun do
Notice I haven't yet got into what I want from you
If you blackout and collapse I want to help you to come to
Come through and arouse you every morning like the sun do
Look how love do, I'd practice the Art of War for you like Sun Tzu
You can hear it in my voice when I ask you if you comfortable
You're everything, sometimes I get nervous when I'm in front you
I want to be the one you run to, when pain confronts you
I want you, cuz you make my heart skip the beat that I drum to

Can I talk to you?(x5)
[Talib and Bilal]

Let me holler at you

Relevant Tags:
TTalk TTo YYou ((lil' DDarlin') alk o ou lil' arlin') aTlk oT oYu l(il' aDrlin') falk fo gou (llil' xarlin') fTalk fTo gYou (il' xDarlin')
Tfalk Tfo Ygou (ill' Dxarlin') 5alk 5o hou (kil' earlin') 5Talk 5To hYou (klil' eDarlin') T5alk T5o Yhou (lkil' Dearlin') halk ho 6ou (oil' farlin')
hTalk hTo 6You (olil' fDarlin') Thalk Tho Y6ou (loil' Dfarlin') yalk yo uou (pil' rarlin') yTalk yTo uYou (plil' rDarlin') Tyalk Tyo Yuou (lpil' Drarlin')
6alk 6o 7ou (liil' carlin') 6Talk 6To 7You (ll' cDarlin') T6alk T6o Y7ou (lli' Dcarlin') galk go jou (ljl' sarlin') gTalk gTo jYou (ljil' sDarlin')
Tgalk Tgo Yjou (lijl' Dsarlin') ralk ro tou (l9l' Daarlin') rTalk rTo tYou (l9il' Drlin') Tralk Tro Ytou (li9l' Dralin') Taalk Too Yoou (lll' Dzrlin')
Tlk T Yu Dzarlin') Tlak To Yuo (lill' Dazrlin') Tzlk Tk Yku (lol' Dqrlin') Tzalk Tko Ykou Dqarlin') Tazlk Tok Yoku (liol' Daqrlin')
Tqlk T9 Y9u (lkl' Dsrlin') Tqalk T9o Y9ou Taqlk To9 Yo9u (likl' Dasrlin') Tslk T0 Y0u (l8l' Dwrlin') Tsalk T0o Y0ou (l8il' Dwarlin')
Taslk To0 Yo0u (li8l' Dawrlin') Twlk Tl Ylu (lul' Dxrlin') Twalk Tlo Ylou (luil' Tawlk Tol Yolu (liul' Daxrlin') Txlk Ti Yiu Darrlin')
Txalk Tio Yiou (li' Dalin') Taxlk Toi Yoiu (li'l Dalrin') Tallk Youu (lik' Dadlin') Tak Yo Dadrlin') Takl You (lilk' Dardlin')
Takk Yoh (lio' Da4lin') Taklk Yohu Da4rlin') Talkk Youh (lilo' Dar4lin') Taok Yo7 (lip' Daglin') Taolk Yo7u (lipl' Dagrlin')
Talok You7 (lilp' Darglin') Tapk Yok (lil'' Datlin') Taplk (lil Datrlin') Talpk Youk (lil' Dartlin') Yoi Da5lin')
Tal Da5rlin') Talk Youi Dar5lin')

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