Talk Talk
Why Is It So Hard (7 Inch Version)

Forgive me if I flip my face of passion
It's the only way
Condemn me if I raise my voice in anger
Such a dumb, dumb waste

Why is it so hard ?
Better to escape
If only I could teach you
Why is it so hard ?

Forgive if my favorite course of action
Is the easy way
Condemn if out of haste I claim, "It's over"
When the doubt remains

Why is it so hard ?
Better to escape
If only I could teach you
Why is it so hard ?

Sometimes I find
It's better to escape
If only I could teach you
Why is it so hard ?

Mirror lyrics:

Why is it so hard ?
If only I could teach you
It's better to escape
Sometimes I find

Why is it so hard ?
If only I could teach you
Better to escape
Why is it so hard ?

When the doubt remains
Condemn if out of haste I claim, "It's over"
Is the easy way
Forgive if my favorite course of action

Why is it so hard ?
If only I could teach you
Better to escape
Why is it so hard ?

Such a dumb, dumb waste
Condemn me if I raise my voice in anger
It's the only way
Forgive me if I flip my face of passion

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WWhy IIs IIt SSo HHard ((7 IInch VVersion) hy s t o ard 7 nch ersion) hWy sI tI oS aHrd 7( nIch eVrsion) ahy js jt zo jard (77 jnch bersion) aWhy jIs jIt zSo jHard ( jInch bVersion)
Wahy Ijs Ijt Szo Hjard (7 Ijnch Vbersion) 3hy 9s 9t wo uard (8 9nch cersion) 3Why 9Is 9It wSo uHard (87 9Inch cVersion) W3hy I9s I9t Swo Huard (78 I9nch Vcersion) dhy ls lt do nard (y lnch gersion)
dWhy lIs lIt dSo nHard (y7 lInch gVersion) Wdhy Ils Ilt Sdo Hnard (7y Ilnch Vgersion) ehy os ot eo bard (u onch fersion) eWhy oIs oIt eSo bHard (u7 oInch fVersion) Wehy Ios Iot Seo Hbard (7u Ionch Vfersion)
shy ks kt xo gard (6 knch Veersion) sWhy kIs kIt xSo gHard (67 kInch Vrsion) Wshy Iks Ikt Sxo Hgard (76 Iknch Vresion) 2hy 8s 8t ao yard 8nch Vsrsion) 2Why 8Is 8It aSo yHard 8Inch Vsersion)
W2hy I8s I8t Sao Hyard I8nch Vesrsion) qhy us ut Soo Haard unch V3rsion) qWhy uIs uIt S Hrd uInch V3ersion) Wqhy Ius Iut So Hrad Iunch Ve3rsion) Whhy Iss Itt Sk Hzrd Innch Vfrsion)
Wy I I Sko Hzard Ich Wyh Is It Sok Hazrd Icnh Vefrsion) Wjy Iz If S9 Hqrd Imch Vrrsion) Wjhy Izs Ift S9o Hqard Imnch Vrersion) Whjy Isz Itf So9 Haqrd Inmch Verrsion)
Wuy Iw I5 S0 Hsrd Ihch V4rsion) Wuhy Iws I5t S0o Hsard Ihnch V4ersion) Whuy Isw It5 So0 Hasrd Inhch Ve4rsion) Wny Id Ih Sl Hwrd Ijch Vdrsion) Wnhy Ids Iht Slo Hward Vdersion)
Whny Isd Ith Sol Hawrd Injch Vedrsion) Wby Ie Iy Si Hxrd Ibch Vwrsion) Wbhy Ies Iyt Sio Hxard Ibnch Vwersion) Whby Ise Ity Soi Haxrd Inbch Vewrsion) Wgy Ix I6 Harrd Incch
Wghy Ixs I6t Had Inh Vesion) Whgy Isx It6 Hadr Inhc Vesrion) Wyy Ia Ig Hadd Infh Vedsion) Wyhy Ias Igt Hadrd Infch Whyy Isa Itg Hardd Incfh Verdsion)
Ir Ha4d Inxh Ve4sion) Wh Irt Ha4rd Inxch Why Itr Har4d Incxh Ver4sion) Whg Hagd Invh Vegsion) Hagrd Invch Vegrsion)
Whyg Hargd Incvh Vergsion) Whh Hatd Indh Vetsion) Hatrd Indch Vetrsion) Whyh Hartd Incdh Vertsion) Wh6 Ha5d Inchh Ve5sion)
Wh6y Ha5rd Inc Ve5rsion) Why6 Har5d Inch Ver5sion) Whu Hafd Incj Vefsion) Hafrd Incjh Whyu Harfd Inchj Verfsion)
Wh7 Haed Incu Veesion) Wh7y Haerd Incuh Why7 Hared Inchu Veresion) Whj Incn Verssion) Har Incnh Verion)
Whyj Hard Inchn Verison)

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