Tammy Wynette
One Final Stand

(Norro Wilson - Carmol Taylor - George Richey)

The love the I used to see
Whenever you looked at me,
Just ain't showing
I can tell something's wrong
Ind I know before long
You'll be going.

And baby your tender touch
The one I loved so much
Is not there anymore
Oh, I wish we could find
What we had one time
And love like before.

If it's a matter of pride
Then let's push it aside
And get together
And if I'd give to you love
like you want me to
Will it matter?

There's so much love in my heart
Like it's been from the start
And it's always begged for you
Now make one final try
If it don't work for you and I
Then I'll say goodbye.

Yes, I'll make one final stand
To hold more than I can
To the one I've loved so long
I'll make one final stand
With my heart and my hand
'Cause I love you right or wrong.

But if you choose to go
Then I'll want you to know
I've done everything I can
Though my life may be hell
Still I wish you well
I've made one final stand...

Mirror lyrics:

I've made one final stand...
Still I wish you well
Though my life may be hell
I've done everything I can
Then I'll want you to know
But if you choose to go

'Cause I love you right or wrong.
With my heart and my hand
I'll make one final stand
To the one I've loved so long
To hold more than I can
Yes, I'll make one final stand

Then I'll say goodbye.
If it don't work for you and I
Now make one final try
And it's always begged for you
Like it's been from the start
There's so much love in my heart

Will it matter?
like you want me to
And if I'd give to you love
And get together
Then let's push it aside
If it's a matter of pride

And love like before.
What we had one time
Oh, I wish we could find
Is not there anymore
The one I loved so much
And baby your tender touch

You'll be going.
Ind I know before long
I can tell something's wrong
Just ain't showing
Whenever you looked at me,
The love the I used to see

(Norro Wilson - Carmol Taylor - George Richey)

Relevant Tags:
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9One rFinal wStand O9ne Frinal Swtand 0ne ginal dtand 0One gFinal dStand O0ne Fginal Sdtand lne tinal etand lOne tFinal eStand
Olne Ftinal Setand ine vinal xtand iOne vFinal xStand Oine Fvinal Sxtand Onne dinal atand Oe dFinal aStand Oen Fdinal Satand
Ome Fiinal Sttand Omne Fnal Sand Onme Fnial Satnd Ohe Fjnal Sfand Ohne Fjinal Sftand Onhe Fijnal Stfand Oje F9nal S5and
Ojne F9inal S5tand Onje Fi9nal St5and Obe Flnal Shand Obne Flinal Shtand Onbe Filnal Sthand Onee Fonal Syand On Foinal Sytand
One Fional Styand Ons Fknal S6and Onse Fkinal S6tand Ones Fiknal St6and On3 F8nal Sgand On3e F8inal Sgtand One3 Fi8nal Stgand
Onf Funal Srand Onfe Fuinal Srtand Onef Fiunal Strand Onr Finnal Staand Onre Fial Stnd Oner Fianl Stnad On4 Fimal Stznd
On4e Fimnal Stzand

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