Never Done Nothing Like That Before

Well he sleeping now and lying on the floor
He's never done nothing like that before
And I've been stroking your cat come and give us a paw
Never done nothing like that before
Never before, you don't know what you're talking about

Well I'm blowing my chunks with the kids all three
Never done nothing like that before
Now I'm doing time for the PTA
Never done nothing like that before
Never before, you don't know what you're talking about

la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
Never before, you don't know what you're talking about

Mirror lyrics:

Never before, you don't know what you're talking about
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la
la la la, la la la

Never before, you don't know what you're talking about
Never done nothing like that before
Now I'm doing time for the PTA
Never done nothing like that before
Well I'm blowing my chunks with the kids all three

Never before, you don't know what you're talking about
Never done nothing like that before
And I've been stroking your cat come and give us a paw
He's never done nothing like that before
Well he sleeping now and lying on the floor

Relevant Tags:
NNever DDone NNothing LLike TThat BBefore ever one othing ike hat efore eNver oDne oNthing iLke hTat eBfore mever xone mothing kike fhat vefore mNever xDone mNothing kLike fThat vBefore
Nmever Dxone Nmothing Lkike Tfhat Bvefore hever eone hothing oike 5hat gefore hNever eDone hNothing oLike 5That gBefore Nhever Deone Nhothing Loike T5hat Bgefore jever fone jothing pike hhat nefore
jNever fDone jNothing pLike hThat nBefore Njever Dfone Njothing Lpike Thhat Bnefore bever rone bothing Liike yhat hefore bNever rDone bNothing Lke yThat hBefore Nbever Drone Nbothing Lkie Tyhat Bhefore
Neever cone Noothing Ljke 6hat Beefore Nver cDone Nthing Ljike 6That Bfore Nveer Dcone Ntohing Lijke T6hat Bfeore Nsver sone Nkthing L9ke ghat Bsfore Nsever sDone Nkothing L9ike gThat Bsefore
Nesver Dsone Nokthing Li9ke Tghat Besfore N3ver Doone N9thing Llke rhat B3fore N3ever Dne N9othing Llike rThat B3efore Ne3ver Dnoe No9thing Lilke Trhat Be3fore Nfver Dkne N0thing Loke Bffore
Nfever Dkone N0othing Tat Bfefore Nefver Dokne No0thing Lioke Taht Beffore Nrver D9ne Nlthing Lkke Tjat Brfore Nrever D9one Nlothing Tjhat Brefore Nerver Do9ne Nolthing Likke Thjat Berfore
N4ver D0ne Nithing L8ke Tuat B4fore N4ever D0one Niothing L8ike Tuhat B4efore Ne4ver Do0ne Noithing Li8ke Thuat Be4fore Ndver Dlne Notthing Luke Tnat Bdfore Ndever Dlone Nohing Luike Tnhat Bdefore
Nedver Dolne Nohting Liuke Thnat Bedfore Nwver Dine Nofhing Tbat Bwfore Nwever Dione Nofthing Lie Tbhat Bwefore Newver Doine Notfhing Liek Thbat Bewfore Nevver Donne No5hing Lile Tgat
Neer Doe No5thing Beore Neevr Doen Not5hing Likle Thgat Beofre Neber Dome Nohhing Lioe Tyat Becore Nebver Domne Nohthing Becfore Nevber Donme Nothhing Likoe Thyat Befcore
Necer Dohe Noyhing Lime Thaat Berore Necver Dohne Noything Limke Tht Nevcer Donhe Notyhing Likme Thta Befrore Neger Doje No6hing Lije Thzt Begore Negver Dojne No6thing Thzat Begfore
Nevger Donje Not6hing Likje Thazt Befgore Nefer Dobe Noghing Liie Thqt Betore Dobne Nogthing Thqat Betfore Nevfer Donbe Notghing Likie Thaqt Beftore Neveer Donee Norhing Likee Thst Bevore
Nevr Don Northing Lik Thsat Bevfore Nevre Done Notrhing Like Thast Befvore Nevsr Dons Liks Thwt Bedore Nevser Donse Noting Likse Thwat Nevesr Dones Notihng Likes Thawt Befdore
Nev3r Don3 Notjing Lik3 Thxt Befoore Nev3er Don3e Notjhing Lik3e Thxat Befre Neve3r Done3 Nothjing Like3 Thaxt Befroe Nevfr Donf Notuing Likf Thatt Befkre Donfe Notuhing Likfe Tha Befkore

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