Super Furry Animals
Keep The Cosmic Trigger Happy

I came to meet you off the Western Line
We hailed a taxi to save drinking time
It's hustle bustle, don't you feel the rush?
The law can't touch us with their flimsy brush
And that's why I persist
Where others can resist temptation
To be with you
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep it real

I know the doorman at the Hippo Club
(He's called Paul)
He let us in for free to hear the dub
(He engineered us once on a track called Don't Be A Fool, Billy)
We drank a double at the upstairs bar
(On Fierce Panda Records)
Then headed downstairs coz it's better by far

And that's why I persist
Where others can resist temptation
To be with you
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep it real

And that's why I persist
Where others can resist temptation
To be with you
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
Keep it
Keep it
Keep it real

Mirror lyrics:

Keep it real
Keep it
Keep it
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
To be with you
Where others can resist temptation
And that's why I persist

Keep it real
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
To be with you
Where others can resist temptation
And that's why I persist

Then headed downstairs coz it's better by far
(On Fierce Panda Records)
We drank a double at the upstairs bar
(He engineered us once on a track called Don't Be A Fool, Billy)
He let us in for free to hear the dub
(He's called Paul)
I know the doorman at the Hippo Club

Keep it real
Keep the cosmic trigger-happy
I'm going to keep the cosmic trigger-happy
To be with you
Where others can resist temptation
And that's why I persist
The law can't touch us with their flimsy brush
It's hustle bustle, don't you feel the rush?
We hailed a taxi to save drinking time
I came to meet you off the Western Line

Relevant Tags:
KKeep TThe CCosmic TTrigger HHappy eep he osmic rigger appy eKep hTe oCsmic rTigger aHppy leep fhe fosmic frigger jappy lKeep fThe fCosmic fTrigger jHappy
Kleep Tfhe Cfosmic Tfrigger Hjappy oeep 5he xosmic 5rigger uappy oKeep 5The xCosmic 5Trigger uHappy Koeep T5he Cxosmic T5rigger Huappy meep hhe vosmic hrigger nappy
mKeep hThe vCosmic hTrigger nHappy Kmeep Thhe Cvosmic Thrigger Hnappy jeep yhe dosmic yrigger bappy jKeep yThe dCosmic yTrigger bHappy Kjeep Tyhe Cdosmic Tyrigger Hbappy
ieep 6he Coosmic 6rigger gappy iKeep 6The Csmic 6Trigger gHappy Kieep T6he Csomic T6rigger Hgappy Keeep ghe Cksmic grigger yappy Kep gThe Ckosmic gTrigger yHappy
Keep Tghe Coksmic Tgrigger Hyappy Ksep rhe C9smic rrigger Haappy Kseep rThe C9osmic rTrigger Hppy Kesep Trhe Co9smic Trrigger Hpapy K3ep C0smic Hzppy
K3eep Te C0osmic Tigger Hzappy Ke3ep Teh Co0smic Tirgger Hazppy Kfep Tje Clsmic Tdigger Hqppy Kfeep Tjhe Closmic Tdrigger Hqappy Kefep Thje Colsmic Trdigger Haqppy
Krep Tue Cismic T4igger Hsppy Kreep Tuhe Ciosmic T4rigger Hsappy Kerep Thue Coismic Tr4igger Hasppy K4ep Tne Cossmic Tgigger Hwppy K4eep Tnhe Comic Hwappy
Ke4ep Thne Comsic Trgigger Hawppy Kdep Tbe Cozmic Ttigger Hxppy Kdeep Tbhe Cozsmic Ttrigger Hxappy Kedep Thbe Coszmic Trtigger Haxppy Kwep Tge Cowmic T5igger Happpy
Kweep Cowsmic Hapy Kewep Thge Coswmic Tr5igger Happy Tye Codmic Tfigger Ha0py Codsmic Ha0ppy Kepe Thye Cosdmic Trfigger Hap0py
Kesp Thee Coemic Teigger Halpy Th Coesmic Terigger Halppy Keesp The Cosemic Treigger Haplpy Ke3p Ths Coxmic Triigger Haopy Thse Coxsmic Trgger Haoppy
Kee3p Thes Cosxmic Trgiger Hapopy Kefp Th3 Coamic Trjgger Th3e Coasmic Trjigger Keefp The3 Cosamic Trijgger Hapyp Kerp Thf Cosmmic Tr9gger Hap0y
Thfe Cosic Tr9igger Keerp Thef Cosimc Tri9gger Happ0y Ke4p Thr Cosjic Trlgger Haply Thre Cosjmic Trligger Kee4p Ther Cosmjic Trilgger Happly
Kedp Th4 Coskic Trogger Hapoy Th4e Coskmic Troigger Keedp The4 Cosmkic Triogger Happoy Kewp Thd Cosnic Trkgger Happyy Thde Cosnmic Trkigger Happ
Keewp Thed Cosmnic Trikgger Keepp Thw Cosmiic Tr8gger Happg Kee Thwe Cosmc Tr8igger Happgy Thew Cosmci Tri8gger Happyg Kee0 Cosmjc Trugger Happh
Kee0p Truigger Happhy Keep0 Cosmijc Triugger Happyh

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