Gimme Animosity

wasn't easy to ignore.
i had never really seen it before.
wasn't easy to explain.
one good reason to be glad it didn't rain.

gimme reciprocity.
it's all coming home.
gimme animosity.
with absence of bone.
from a low trajectory.
acting alone.
couldn't he defect to me?
he's waiting and lonely.

wasn't easy to survive.
for the rest of us still left here alive.
wasn't easy to explain.
one good reason to be glad we should remain.

gimme reciprocity.
it's all coming home.
gimme animosity.
with absence of bone.
from a low trajectory.
acting alone.
couldn't he defect to me?
he's waiting and lonely.
waiting alone. yeah.

Mirror lyrics:

waiting alone. yeah.
he's waiting and lonely.
couldn't he defect to me?
acting alone.
from a low trajectory.
with absence of bone.
gimme animosity.
it's all coming home.
gimme reciprocity.

one good reason to be glad we should remain.
wasn't easy to explain.
for the rest of us still left here alive.
wasn't easy to survive.

he's waiting and lonely.
couldn't he defect to me?
acting alone.
from a low trajectory.
with absence of bone.
gimme animosity.
it's all coming home.
gimme reciprocity.

one good reason to be glad it didn't rain.
wasn't easy to explain.
i had never really seen it before.
wasn't easy to ignore.

Relevant Tags:
GGimme AAnimosity imme nimosity iGmme nAimosity himme znimosity hGimme zAnimosity Ghimme Aznimosity yimme qnimosity
yGimme qAnimosity Gyimme Aqnimosity bimme snimosity bGimme sAnimosity Gbimme Asnimosity vimme wnimosity vGimme wAnimosity
Gvimme Awnimosity fimme xnimosity fGimme xAnimosity Gfimme Axnimosity timme Annimosity tGimme Aimosity Gtimme Ainmosity
Giimme Amimosity Gmme Amnimosity Gmime Anmimosity Gjmme Ahimosity Gjimme Ahnimosity Gijmme Anhimosity G9mme Ajimosity
G9imme Ajnimosity Gi9mme Anjimosity Glmme Abimosity Glimme Abnimosity Gilmme Anbimosity Gomme Aniimosity Goimme Anmosity
Giomme Anmiosity Gkmme Anjmosity Gkimme Gikmme Anijmosity G8mme An9mosity G8imme An9imosity Gi8mme Ani9mosity
Gumme Anlmosity Guimme Anlimosity Giumme Anilmosity Gimmme Anomosity Gime Anoimosity Gimme Aniomosity Gijme Ankmosity
Ankimosity Gimjme Anikmosity Gikme An8mosity An8imosity Gimkme Ani8mosity Ginme Anumosity Ginmme Anuimosity
Gimnme Aniumosity Animmosity Aniosity Gimem Aniomsity Gimje Anijosity Gimmje Animjosity Gimke Anikosity
Gimmke Animkosity Gimne Aninosity Aninmosity Gimmne Animnosity Gimmee Animoosity Gimm Animsity Animsoity
Gimms Animksity Gimmse Gimmes Animoksity Gimm3 Anim9sity Gimm3e Anim9osity Gimme3 Animo9sity Gimmf Anim0sity
Gimmfe Anim0osity Gimmef Animo0sity Gimmr Animlsity Gimmre Animlosity Gimmer Animolsity Gimm4 Animisity Gimm4e Animiosity

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