Taylor Hawkins & The Coattail Riders
End Of The Line

If you're my friend

Stay right by my side

Show me something good at the end of the line

If you're the one

Look into my eyes

Show me something good at the end of the line

I've been walking over

The bridges that burn

You keep talking

But you don't say a word

If you're my friend

Stay right by my side

Show me something good at the end of the line

I've been walking over

The bridges that burn

You keep talking

But you ain't said a word

I don't want to see with someone else

I don't want to see you alone

Did you heart deceive you

Did you open up, just to let me go

In the end

Will your star still shine

Show me something good at the end of the line

When darkness ends

Will you be my light

Show me something good at the end of the line

I've been walking over

The bridges that burn

You keep talking

But you don't say a word

If you're my friend

Stay right by my side

Show me something good at the end of the line

End of the line

Mirror lyrics:

End of the line

Show me something good at the end of the line

Stay right by my side

If you're my friend

But you don't say a word

You keep talking

The bridges that burn

I've been walking over

Show me something good at the end of the line

Will you be my light

When darkness ends

Show me something good at the end of the line

Will your star still shine

In the end

Did you open up, just to let me go

Did you heart deceive you

I don't want to see you alone

I don't want to see with someone else

But you ain't said a word

You keep talking

The bridges that burn

I've been walking over

Show me something good at the end of the line

Stay right by my side

If you're my friend

But you don't say a word

You keep talking

The bridges that burn

I've been walking over

Show me something good at the end of the line

Look into my eyes

If you're the one

Show me something good at the end of the line

Stay right by my side

If you're my friend

Relevant Tags:
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Ernd Olf Tyhe Lnie 4nd if 6he Ljne 4End iOf 6The Ljine E4nd Oif T6he Lijne dnd Off ghe L9ne dEnd O gThe L9ine Ednd Of Tghe Li9ne
wnd Oc rhe Llne wEnd Ocf rThe Lline Ewnd Ofc Trhe Lilne Ennd Or Lone Ed Orf Te Edn Ofr Teh Lione Emd Og Tje Lkne
Emnd Ogf Tjhe Enmd Ofg Thje Likne Ehd Ot Tue L8ne Ehnd Otf Tuhe L8ine Enhd Oft Thue Li8ne Ejd Ov Tne Lune Ejnd Ovf Tnhe Luine
Enjd Ofv Thne Liune

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