Null And Void

Tell me with Perfection in your voice
That you never really had a choice
Place on me the burden of the past
Offer me the future and take it back

Show me what you never meant to show
Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
Contradict me when you're in the wrong
Don't commit to anything at all

My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void
My life is null and void

Fill me with compassion and concern
Thrill me with an unexpected turn
Tempt me with the secrets that you hold
Don't divulge until you're in control

Show me what you never meant to show
Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
Contradict me when you're in the wrong
Don't commit to anything at all

My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void
My life is null and void

My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void
My life is null and void

My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void
My life is null and void

Mirror lyrics:

My life is null and void
My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void

My life is null and void
My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void

My life is null and void
My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void

Don't commit to anything at all
Contradict me when you're in the wrong
Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
Show me what you never meant to show

Don't divulge until you're in control
Tempt me with the secrets that you hold
Thrill me with an unexpected turn
Fill me with compassion and concern

My life is null and void
My life is null and void
Dismantled and destroyed
My life is null and void

Don't commit to anything at all
Contradict me when you're in the wrong
Tell me what I'm not supposed to know
Show me what you never meant to show

Offer me the future and take it back
Place on me the burden of the past
That you never really had a choice
Tell me with Perfection in your voice

Relevant Tags:
NNull AAnd VVoid ull nd oid uNll nAd oVid mull znd boid mNull zAnd bVoid Nmull Aznd Vboid hull qnd coid hNull qAnd cVoid Nhull Aqnd Vcoid
jull snd goid jNull sAnd gVoid Njull Asnd Vgoid bull wnd foid bNull wAnd fVoid Nbull Awnd Vfoid Nuull xnd Vooid Nll xAnd Vid Nlul Axnd Viod
Nhll Annd Vkid Ad Vkoid Nuhll Adn Vokid N7ll Amd V9id N7ull Amnd V9oid Nu7ll Anmd Vo9id Nkll Ahd V0id Nkull Ahnd V0oid Nukll Anhd Vo0id
Nill Ajd Vlid Niull Ajnd Vloid Nuill Anjd Volid N8ll Abd Viid N8ull Abnd Vioid Nu8ll Anbd Voiid Njll Andd An Vod Nujll And Vodi
Nyll Anx Vojd

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