Universal Sound Of The World (your Kiss Is Sweet)

(Stevie Wonder/Syreeta Wright)

Sometimes it's hard to make you see
What you have planned to make might be
But I will stop to hear you now
And tell you I'm glad you're my friend
I'm thanking you for the song in the sky
Thanking you for the moon and light
I want to thank you every day
For the universal sound of the world

When I am down and out wearing a frown
You spirit lifts me up like a crown
I wonder who else in the world
Is feeling like I'm feeling now
Thank you for natures helping hand
Thank you for letting us use your land
I want to thank you every day
For the universal sound of the world oh yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

You are my friend
Thank you for natures helping hand
Thank you for letting us use your land
I want to thank you every day
For the universal sound of the world
The universal sound of the world...

Your kisses are sweet as candy...

Mirror lyrics:

Your kisses are sweet as candy...

The universal sound of the world...
For the universal sound of the world
I want to thank you every day
Thank you for letting us use your land
Thank you for natures helping hand
You are my friend

Yeah, yeah, yeah...
For the universal sound of the world oh yeah
I want to thank you every day
Thank you for letting us use your land
Thank you for natures helping hand
Is feeling like I'm feeling now
I wonder who else in the world
You spirit lifts me up like a crown
When I am down and out wearing a frown

For the universal sound of the world
I want to thank you every day
Thanking you for the moon and light
I'm thanking you for the song in the sky
And tell you I'm glad you're my friend
But I will stop to hear you now
What you have planned to make might be
Sometimes it's hard to make you see

(Stevie Wonder/Syreeta Wright)

Relevant Tags:
UUniversal SSound OOf TThe WWorld ((your KKiss IIs SSweet) niversal ound f he orld your iss s weet) nUiversal oSund fO hTe oWrld y(our iKss sI wSeet)
hniversal zound kf fhe aorld (yyour liss js zweet) hUniversal zSound kOf fThe aWorld (our lKiss jIs zSweet) Uhniversal Szound Okf Tfhe Waorld (oyur Kliss Ijs Szweet)
7niversal wound 9f 5he 3orld (gour oiss 9s wweet) 7Universal wSound 9Of 5The 3World (gyour oKiss 9Is wSweet) U7niversal Swound O9f T5he W3orld (ygour Koiss I9s Swweet)
kniversal dound 0f hhe dorld (hour miss ls dweet) kUniversal dSound 0Of hThe dWorld (hyour mKiss lIs dSweet) Ukniversal Sdound O0f Thhe Wdorld (yhour Kmiss Ils Sdweet)
iniversal eound lf yhe eorld (6our jiss os eweet) iUniversal eSound lOf yThe eWorld (6your jKiss oIs eSweet) Uiniversal Seound Olf Tyhe Weorld (y6our Kjiss Ios Seweet)
8niversal xound if 6he sorld (uour iiss ks xweet) 8Universal xSound iOf 6The sWorld (uyour iKiss kIs xSweet) U8niversal Sxound Oif T6he Wsorld (yuour Kiiss Iks Sxweet)
jniversal aound Off ghe 2orld (7our 8s aweet) jUniversal aSound O gThe 2World (7your Kss 8Is aSweet) Ujniversal Saound Of Tghe W2orld (y7our Ksis I8s Saweet)
yniversal Soound Oc rhe qorld (jour Kjss us yUniversal Sund Ocf rThe qWorld (jyour uIs Seet) Uyniversal Suond Ofc Trhe Wqorld (yjour Kijss Ius Sewet)
Unniversal Skund Or Woorld (tour K9ss Iss Saeet) Uiversal Skound Orf Te Wrld (tyour K9iss I Uinversal Sokund Ofr Teh Wrold (ytour Ki9ss Is Swaeet)
Umiversal S9und Og Tje Wkrld (yoour Klss Iz S3eet) Umniversal S9ound Ogf Tjhe Wkorld (yur Izs S3weet) Unmiversal So9und Ofg Thje Wokrld (yuor Kilss Isz Sw3eet)
Uhiversal S0und Ot Tue W9rld (ykur Koss Iw Sdeet) S0ound Otf Tuhe W9orld (ykour Iws Unhiversal So0und Oft Thue Wo9rld (yokur Kioss Isw Swdeet)
Ujiversal Slund Ov Tne W0rld (y9ur Kkss Id Seeet) Slound Ovf Tnhe W0orld (y9our Kkiss Ids Unjiversal Solund Ofv Thne Wo0rld (yo9ur Kikss Isd Sweeet)
Ubiversal Siund Od Tbe Wlrld (y0ur K8ss Ie Sseet) Ubniversal Siound Odf Tbhe Wlorld (y0our K8iss Ies Ssweet) Unbiversal Soiund Ofd Thbe Wolrld (yo0ur Ki8ss Ise Swseet)
Uniiversal Souund Tge Wirld (ylur Kuss Ix S2eet) Unversal Sond Wiorld (ylour Kuiss Ixs S2weet) Unviersal Sonud Thge Woirld (yolur Kiuss Isx Sw2eet)
Unjversal Sohnd Tye Worrld (yiur Kisss Ia Sqeet) Sohund Wold (yiour Kis Ias Sqweet) Unijversal Souhnd Thye Wolrd (yoiur Kiss Isa Swqeet)
Un9versal So7nd Thee Wodld (youur Kizs Un9iversal So7und Th Wodrld (yor Kizss Swet) Uni9versal Sou7nd The Wordld (yoru Kiszs Sweet)
Unlversal Soknd Ths Wo4ld (yohr Kiws Swset) Unliversal Thse Wo4rld (yohur Kiwss Unilversal Souknd Thes Wor4ld (youhr Kisws Sweset)
Unoversal Soind Th3 Wogld (yo7r Kids Sw3et) Unoiversal Th3e Wogrld (yo7ur Kidss Unioversal Souind The3 Worgld (you7r Kisds Swe3et)
Unkversal So8nd Thf Wotld (yokr Kies Swfet) Unkiversal So8und Thfe Wotrld Kiess Swfeet) Unikversal Sou8nd Thef Wortld (youkr Kises Swefet)
Un8versal Sojnd Thr Wo5ld (yoir Kixs Swret) Un8iversal Sojund Thre Wo5rld Kixss Swreet) Uni8versal Soujnd Ther Wor5ld (youir Kisxs Sweret)
Unuversal Soynd Th4 Wofld (yo8r Kias Sw4et) Unuiversal Soyund Th4e Wofrld (yo8ur Kiass Sw4eet) Uniuversal Souynd The4 Worfld (you8r Kisas Swe4et)
Univversal Sounnd Thd Woeld (yojr Swdet) Uniersal Soud Thde Woerld (yojur Unievrsal Soudn Thed Woreld (youjr Swedet)
Unibersal Soumd Thw Worlld (yoyr Kisz Swwet) Unibversal Soumnd Thwe Word (yoyur Univbersal Sounmd Thew Wordl (youyr Kissz Swewet)
Unicersal Souhd Workd (yourr Kisw Unicversal Workld (you Univcersal Sounhd Worlkd (your Kissw Swete)
Unigersal Soujd Worod (youd Kisd Swest) Unigversal Worold (youdr Univgersal Sounjd Worlod (yourd Kissd Sweest)
Unifersal Soubd Worpd (you4 Kise Swe3t) Unifversal Soubnd Worpld (you4r Univfersal Sounbd Worlpd (your4 Kisse Swee3t)
Univeersal Soundd Worldd (youg Kisx Sweft) Univrsal Soun Worl (yougr Univresal Sound World (yourg Kissx Sweeft)

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