Change In The Weather

We're the younger generation,
and we're here to face the day.
Heard all across the nation,
and we got so much to say.
Ready for a change,
ready for a change in the weather. Ooh, yeah!
We will keep the fire burnin'
And this big wheel will keep spinnin'
'round and 'round, and around. Yeah!
We're the children of the sixties.
Watched the seventies go bye.
Now, we made it through the eighties.
My, my how time does fly
Just around the corner is a brand new century
Now we'll keep the fire burnin'
And this old world will keep spinnin'
'round and 'round, and around.
Yes we'll keep the fire burnin'
And this old world will keep turnin'
'round and 'round, and around.
A-turnin' 'round and 'round, yeah.
I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
Ready for a change in the weather.
I'm ready for a change for you and me. Ah yeah, yeah. Ooh.
Really do, I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
Ready for a change in the weather.
I'm ready for a change, change, change for you and me.
I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
Ready for a change in the weather.
I'm ready for a change for you and me!
Just around the corner, oh, is a brand new century.
I'm waitin'.
I'm ready!
(We're ready!)

Mirror lyrics:

(We're ready!)
I'm ready!
I'm waitin'.
Just around the corner, oh, is a brand new century.
I'm ready for a change for you and me!
Ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
I'm ready for a change, change, change for you and me.
Ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
Really do, I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
I'm ready for a change for you and me. Ah yeah, yeah. Ooh.
Ready for a change in the weather.
I think we're ready for a change of scene.
I think we're ready for a change in the weather.
A-turnin' 'round and 'round, yeah.
'round and 'round, and around.
And this old world will keep turnin'
Yes we'll keep the fire burnin'
'round and 'round, and around.
And this old world will keep spinnin'
Now we'll keep the fire burnin'
Just around the corner is a brand new century
My, my how time does fly
Now, we made it through the eighties.
Watched the seventies go bye.
We're the children of the sixties.
'round and 'round, and around. Yeah!
And this big wheel will keep spinnin'
We will keep the fire burnin'
ready for a change in the weather. Ooh, yeah!
Ready for a change,
and we got so much to say.
Heard all across the nation,
and we're here to face the day.
We're the younger generation,

Relevant Tags:
CChange IIn TThe WWeather hange n he eather hCange nI hTe eWather fhange jn fhe aeather fChange jIn fThe aWeather Cfhange Ijn Tfhe Waeather
xhange 9n 5he 3eather xChange 9In 5The 3Weather Cxhange I9n T5he W3eather vhange ln hhe deather vChange lIn hThe dWeather Cvhange Iln Thhe Wdeather
dhange on yhe eeather dChange oIn yThe eWeather Cdhange Ion Tyhe Weeather Chhange kn 6he seather Cange kIn 6The sWeather Cahnge Ikn T6he Wseather
Cjange 8n ghe 2eather Cjhange 8In gThe 2Weather Chjange I8n Tghe W2eather Cuange un rhe qeather Cuhange uIn rThe qWeather Chuange Iun Trhe Wqeather
Cnange Inn Cnhange I Te Wather Chnange In Teh Waether Cbange Im Tje Wsather Cbhange Imn Tjhe Chbange Inm Thje Wesather
Cgange Ih Tue W3ather Cghange Ihn Tuhe Chgange Inh Thue We3ather Cyange Ij Tne Wfather Cyhange Tnhe Wfeather Chyange Inj Thne Wefather
Chaange Ib Tbe Wrather Chnge Ibn Tbhe Wreather Chnage Inb Thbe Werather Chznge Tge W4ather Chzange W4eather Chaznge Thge We4ather
Chqnge Tye Wdather Chqange Chaqnge Thye Wedather Chsnge Thee Wwather Chsange Th Wweather Chasnge The Wewather
Chwnge Ths Weaather Chwange Thse Wether Chawnge Thes Wetaher Chxnge Th3 Wezther Chxange Th3e Wezather Chaxnge The3 Weazther
Channge Thf Weqther Chage Thfe Weqather Chagne Thef Weaqther Chamge Thr Westher Chamnge Thre Chanmge Ther Weasther
Chahge Th4 Wewther Chahnge Th4e Chanhge The4 Weawther Chajge Thd Wexther Chajnge Thde Wexather Chanjge Thed Weaxther
Chabge Thw Weatther Chabnge Thwe Weaher Chanbge Thew Weahter Changge Weafher Chane Weafther Chaneg Weatfher
Chanhe Wea5her

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