Terri Clark
What Happens In Vegas (follows You Home)

I never really liked this place
hard to tell the nights from days
lost inside a smoky maze, with no last call...

You walked up , I turned around,
You were drinking something watered down
Maybe I don't hate this town, after all

Could sin city save us
could Lady luck wave us
on through the velvet rope
The whispers in my ear, said everything stays here
But we know something they don't
Sometimes What Happens in Vegas....
Follows you home
Follows you home

It's just a state of mind
and crossing that Nevada line
I thought I'd never find
my wildest dream,
I almost had to live without,
now neon lights are washing out
any shadow of a doubt, and I believe

Sin City saved us
Lady Luck waved us
On through the velvet rope
The whispers in my ear said
everything stays here
but we know something they don't
Sometimes What Happens in Vegas....
Follows you home
Follows you home

Among the false promises, glitter and phoniness,
somehow we've found the real thing....


Mirror lyrics:


somehow we've found the real thing....
Among the false promises, glitter and phoniness,

Follows you home
Follows you home
Sometimes What Happens in Vegas....
but we know something they don't
everything stays here
The whispers in my ear said
On through the velvet rope
Lady Luck waved us
Sin City saved us

any shadow of a doubt, and I believe
now neon lights are washing out
I almost had to live without,
my wildest dream,
I thought I'd never find
and crossing that Nevada line
It's just a state of mind

Follows you home
Follows you home
Sometimes What Happens in Vegas....
But we know something they don't
The whispers in my ear, said everything stays here
on through the velvet rope
could Lady luck wave us
Could sin city save us

Maybe I don't hate this town, after all
You were drinking something watered down
You walked up , I turned around,

lost inside a smoky maze, with no last call...
hard to tell the nights from days
I never really liked this place

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WWhat HHappens IIn VVegas ((follows YYou HHome) hat appens n egas follows ou ome) hWat aHppens nI eVgas f(ollows oYu oHme)
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shat gappens kn Veegas (tollows 7ou gome) sWhat gHappens kIn Vgas (tfollows 7You gHome) Wshat Hgappens Ikn Vgeas (ftollows Y7ou Hgome)
2hat yappens 8n Vsgas (vollows jou yome) 2What yHappens 8In Vsegas (vfollows jYou yHome) W2hat Hyappens I8n Vesgas (fvollows Yjou Hyome)
qhat Haappens un V3gas (dollows tou Hoome) qWhat Hppens uIn V3egas (dfollows tYou Hme) Wqhat Hpapens Iun Ve3gas (fdollows Ytou Hmoe)
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Wuat Hsppens Ih V4gas (f9llows Y9u H0me) Wuhat Hsappens Ihn V4egas (f9ollows Y9ou H0ome) Whuat Hasppens Inh Ve4gas (fo9llows Yo9u Ho0me)
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Whst Hap0ens Vefas Yoi Homs) Whsat Homse) Whast Happ0ens Vegfas (fololws Youi Homes)
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