Terri Clark
I Just Called To Say Goodbye

(Connie Harrington/Julie Adkison)

Boy, I didn't mean to wake you.
I'm ok, yeah everything's all right.
I'm in a phone booth outside of Denver,
I drove all night.

Well, I would've called you sooner,
But I knew you'd talk me out of this.
I've had a lot of miles to do some thinkin',
Now it all-makes perfect sense.

No I haven't changed my mind,
I just called to say goodbye.

You should see this mountain sunrise,
It looks just the way I dreamed.
I got my map of Colorado in the seat right next to me.
If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,
It's better left behind.
I just called to say goodbye.

Boy, you know I'm gonna miss you,
But we both know it's for the best.
We just can't keep usin' each other,
As a safety net.

I bet someday your gonna thank me.
When you finally get a taste of true love.
Baby, what we had was pretty good,
Just not enough.

So here's to tears we'll never cry,
I just called to say goodbye.

You should see this mountain sunrise,
It looks just the way I dreamed.
I got my map of Colorado in the seat right next to me.
If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,
It's better left behind.
I just called to say goodbye.

If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,
It's better left behind.
I just called to say goodbye.

I just called to say goodbye...

Mirror lyrics:

I just called to say goodbye...

I just called to say goodbye.
It's better left behind.
If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,

I just called to say goodbye.
It's better left behind.
If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,
I got my map of Colorado in the seat right next to me.
It looks just the way I dreamed.
You should see this mountain sunrise,

I just called to say goodbye.
So here's to tears we'll never cry,

Just not enough.
Baby, what we had was pretty good,
When you finally get a taste of true love.
I bet someday your gonna thank me.

As a safety net.
We just can't keep usin' each other,
But we both know it's for the best.
Boy, you know I'm gonna miss you,

I just called to say goodbye.
It's better left behind.
If it ain't packed in this ol' Plymouth,
I got my map of Colorado in the seat right next to me.
It looks just the way I dreamed.
You should see this mountain sunrise,

I just called to say goodbye.
No I haven't changed my mind,

Now it all-makes perfect sense.
I've had a lot of miles to do some thinkin',
But I knew you'd talk me out of this.
Well, I would've called you sooner,

I drove all night.
I'm in a phone booth outside of Denver,
I'm ok, yeah everything's all right.
Boy, I didn't mean to wake you.

(Connie Harrington/Julie Adkison)

Relevant Tags:
II JJust CCalled TTo SSay GGoodbye ust alled o ay oodbye I uJst aClled oT aSy oGodbye j kust falled fo zay hoodbye jI kJust fCalled fTo zSay hGoodbye
Ij Jkust Cfalled Tfo Szay Ghoodbye 9 iust xalled 5o way yoodbye 9I iJust xCalled 5To wSay yGoodbye I9 Jiust Cxalled T5o Sway Gyoodbye l must valled ho day boodbye
lI mJust vCalled hTo dSay bGoodbye Il Jmust Cvalled Tho Sday Gboodbye o nust dalled yo eay voodbye oI nJust dCalled yTo eSay vGoodbye Io Jnust Cdalled Tyo Seay Gvoodbye
k hust Caalled 6o xay foodbye kI hJust Clled 6To xSay fGoodbye Ik Jhust Claled T6o Sxay Gfoodbye 8 uust Czlled go aay toodbye 8I uJust Czalled gTo aSay tGoodbye
I8 Juust Cazlled Tgo Saay Gtoodbye u Cqlled ro Gooodbye uI Jst Cqalled rTo Sy Godbye Iu Jsut Caqlled Tro Sya Goodbye Jhst Cslled Too Szy Gkodbye
Csalled T Gkoodbye Juhst Caslled To Sazy Gokodbye J7st Cwlled Tk Sqy G9odbye J7ust Cwalled Tko Sqay G9oodbye Ju7st Cawlled Tok Saqy Go9odbye
Jkst Cxlled T9 Ssy G0odbye T9o Ssay G0oodbye Jukst Caxlled To9 Sasy Go0odbye Jist Callled T0 Swy Glodbye Caled T0o Gloodbye
Juist Called To0 Sawy Golodbye J8st Cakled Tl Sxy Giodbye J8ust Caklled Tlo Gioodbye Ju8st Calkled Tol Saxy Goiodbye Jjst Caoled Ti Sayy
Jjust Caolled Tio Sa Jujst Caloled Toi Say Godobye Jyst Capled Sag Gokdbye Jyust Caplled Sagy Juyst Calpled Sayg Gookdbye
Jusst Sah Go9dbye Jut Sahy Juts Caleld Sayh Goo9dbye Juzt Calked Sa6 Go0dbye Juzst Sa6y
Juszt Callked Say6 Goo0dbye Juwt Caloed Sau Goldbye Juwst Sauy Juswt Calloed Sayu Gooldbye Judt Calped Sa7 Goidbye
Judst Sa7y Jusdt Callped Say7 Gooidbye Juet Calleed Saj Gooddbye Juest Calld Sajy Goobye Juset Callde Sayj Goobdye
Juxt Callsd Sat Gooxbye Juxst Callsed Saty Gooxdbye Jusxt Callesd Sayt Goodxbye Juat Call3d Gooebye Juast Call3ed Gooedbye
Jusat Calle3d Goodebye

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