Terri Clark
Not A Bad Thing

(Dave Berg/Sunny Russ/Deana Bryant)

I'm sittin' in this cafe,
People talkin' so loud I can't hear myself think.
That's not a bad thing.
The coffee keeps on coming,
The waiter who keeps smilin'
as I'm ridin' on a river of caffeine,
An' that's not a bad thing.

I used to feel sorry for someone like me,
In a corner booth pretendin' to read on a Friday night.
I used to say: It just ain't right.
How could anybody ever have any fun,
Without somebody, without someone?
It never dawned on me,
The possibility,
That it's not a bad thing.

Those naggin' thoughts about you,
How I left without you tonight:
You know, they're few and far between.
The waiter's name is Joey, he told me,
And that's when I noticed he ain't wearing any ring.
An' that's not a bad thing.

And there is a tug on the edge of my heart,
It's you again sayin': Don't you start lettin' go of me.
But I ain't listenin'.
For once in my life, I'll feel what I feel,
Let it be, let it be real.
Let it flow through me,
An' wash me clean.
That's not a bad thing.

As I'm drivin' home, I'm thinkin',
The worst might be over,
Or maybe I'm a little bit naive.
But the street lights seem brighter,
As I walk to my front door,
And I'm all alone when I turn the key.
An' that's not a bad thing.

I used to feel sorry for someone like me,
In a corner booth pretendin' to read on a Friday night.
I used to say: It just ain't right.
How could anybody ever have any fun,
Without somebody, without someone?
It never dawned on me,
The possibility,
That it's not a bad thing...

Mirror lyrics:

That it's not a bad thing...
The possibility,
It never dawned on me,
Without somebody, without someone?
How could anybody ever have any fun,
I used to say: It just ain't right.
In a corner booth pretendin' to read on a Friday night.
I used to feel sorry for someone like me,

An' that's not a bad thing.
And I'm all alone when I turn the key.
As I walk to my front door,
But the street lights seem brighter,
Or maybe I'm a little bit naive.
The worst might be over,
As I'm drivin' home, I'm thinkin',

That's not a bad thing.
An' wash me clean.
Let it flow through me,
Let it be, let it be real.
For once in my life, I'll feel what I feel,
But I ain't listenin'.
It's you again sayin': Don't you start lettin' go of me.
And there is a tug on the edge of my heart,

An' that's not a bad thing.
And that's when I noticed he ain't wearing any ring.
The waiter's name is Joey, he told me,
You know, they're few and far between.
How I left without you tonight:
Those naggin' thoughts about you,

That it's not a bad thing.
The possibility,
It never dawned on me,
Without somebody, without someone?
How could anybody ever have any fun,
I used to say: It just ain't right.
In a corner booth pretendin' to read on a Friday night.
I used to feel sorry for someone like me,

An' that's not a bad thing.
as I'm ridin' on a river of caffeine,
The waiter who keeps smilin'
The coffee keeps on coming,
That's not a bad thing.
People talkin' so loud I can't hear myself think.
I'm sittin' in this cafe,

(Dave Berg/Sunny Russ/Deana Bryant)

Relevant Tags:
NNot AA BBad TThing ot ad hing oNt A aBd hTing mot z vad fhing mNot zA vBad fThing Nmot Az Bvad Tfhing hot q gad 5hing
hNot qA gBad 5Thing Nhot Aq Bgad T5hing jot s nad hhing jNot sA nBad hThing Njot As Bnad Thhing bot w had yhing bNot wA hBad yThing
Nbot Aw Bhad Tyhing Noot x Baad 6hing Nt xA Bd 6Thing Nto Ax Bda T6hing Nkt Bzd ghing Nkot Bzad gThing Nokt Bazd Tghing
N9t Bqd rhing N9ot Bqad rThing No9t Baqd Trhing N0t Bsd N0ot Bsad Ting No0t Basd Tihng Nlt Bwd Tjing
Nlot Bwad Tjhing Nolt Bawd Thjing Nit Bxd Tuing Niot Bxad Tuhing Noit Baxd Thuing Nott Badd Tning No Ba Tnhing
Not Bad Thning Nof Bax Tbing Noft Tbhing Notf Badx Thbing No5 Bae Tging No5t Baed Not5 Bade Thging
Noh Baf Tying Noht Bafd Noth Badf Thying Noy Bar Thiing Noyt Bard Thng Noty Badr Thnig No6 Bac Thjng

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