Terrance Howard
Love Makes You Beautiful

What would you think
Thought what you will
Felt how you feel inside
Didn't hide a thing
Think that I'm beautiful
Let me be beautiful

What would you paint
if pictures were real
Paint me by candlelight
The moon was high and still
Make me be beautiful
Just make me beautiful

Mother Nature is running down the cement
Lying angel love ain't blind evening

Love should be real
Love should be bold
Love helps you heal
it warms your soul
Love doesn't kneel
Love makes you bold
Love makes you beautiful
Love once it grows
Love makes you beautiful (5x)

Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned, when love is torn
Hell no, the truth ain't quiet
it rages on, til love is born


Love makes you beautiful (8x)


Love makes you beautiful (8x)

What would you think
Thought what you will
Felt how you feel inside
Didn't hide a thing
Think that I'm beautiful
Would you like to see beautiful

Love is suffering and kind
Love is not jealous
Does not brag
Does not get puffed up
Does not behave indecently
It bears all things, believes all things,
hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails

Beautiful, Beautiful

Love makes you beautiful (7x)

Mirror lyrics:

Love makes you beautiful (7x)

Beautiful, Beautiful

hopes all things, endures all things, love never fails
It bears all things, believes all things,
Does not behave indecently
Does not get puffed up
Does not brag
Love is not jealous
Love is suffering and kind

Would you like to see beautiful
Think that I'm beautiful
Didn't hide a thing
Felt how you feel inside
Thought what you will
What would you think

Love makes you beautiful (8x)


Love makes you beautiful (8x)


it rages on, til love is born
Hell no, the truth ain't quiet
Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned, when love is torn

Love makes you beautiful (5x)
Love once it grows
Love makes you beautiful
Love makes you bold
Love doesn't kneel
it warms your soul
Love helps you heal
Love should be bold
Love should be real

Lying angel love ain't blind evening
Mother Nature is running down the cement

Just make me beautiful
Make me be beautiful
The moon was high and still
Paint me by candlelight
if pictures were real
What would you paint

Let me be beautiful
Think that I'm beautiful
Didn't hide a thing
Felt how you feel inside
Thought what you will
What would you think

Relevant Tags:
LLove MMakes YYou BBeautiful ove akes ou eautiful oLve aMkes oYu eBautiful kove jakes gou veautiful kLove jMakes gYou vBeautiful Lkove Mjakes Ygou Bveautiful
oove kakes hou geautiful oLove kMakes hYou gBeautiful Loove Mkakes Yhou Bgeautiful pove nakes 6ou neautiful pLove nMakes 6You nBeautiful Lpove Mnakes Y6ou Bneautiful
Maakes uou heautiful Lve Mkes uYou hBeautiful Lvoe Mkaes Yuou Bheautiful Lkve Mzkes 7ou Beeautiful Mzakes 7You Bautiful Lokve Mazkes Y7ou Baeutiful
L9ve Mqkes jou Bsautiful L9ove Mqakes jYou Bseautiful Lo9ve Maqkes Yjou Besautiful L0ve Mskes tou B3autiful L0ove Msakes tYou B3eautiful Lo0ve Maskes Ytou Be3autiful
Llve Mwkes Yoou Bfautiful Llove Mwakes Yu Bfeautiful Lolve Mawkes Yuo Befautiful Live Mxkes Yku Brautiful Liove Mxakes Ykou Breautiful Loive Maxkes Yoku Berautiful
Lovve Makkes Y9u B4autiful Loe Maes Y9ou B4eautiful Loev Maeks Yo9u Be4autiful Lobe Males Y0u Bdautiful Lobve Malkes Y0ou Bdeautiful Lovbe Makles Yo0u Bedautiful
Loce Maoes Ylu Bwautiful Locve Maokes Ylou Bweautiful Lovce Makoes Yolu Bewautiful Loge Mames Yiu Beaautiful Logve Mamkes Yiou Beutiful Lovge Makmes Yoiu Beuatiful
Lofe Majes Youu Bezutiful Lofve Majkes Yo Bezautiful Lovfe Makjes You Beazutiful Lovee Maies Yoh Bequtiful Lov Maikes Yohu Beqautiful Love Makies Youh Beaqutiful
Lovs Makees Yo7 Besutiful Lovse Maks Yo7u Loves Makse You7 Beasutiful Lov3 Makss Yok Bewutiful Lov3e Makses Love3 Makess Youk Beawutiful
Lovf Mak3s Yoi Bexutiful Mak3es Bexautiful Lovef Make3s Youi Beaxutiful Lovr Makfs Yo8 Beauutiful Lovre Makfes Yo8u Beatiful Lover Makefs You8 Beatuiful
Lov4 Makrs Yoj Beahtiful Lov4e Makres Yoju Beahutiful Love4 Makers Youj Beauhtiful Lovd Mak4s Yoy Bea7tiful Lovde Mak4es Yoyu Bea7utiful Loved Make4s Youy Beau7tiful
Lovw Makds Beaktiful Lovwe Makdes Beakutiful Lovew Makeds Beauktiful Makws Beaitiful Makwes Beaiutiful Makews Beauitiful
Bea8tiful Make Bea8utiful Makes Beau8tiful Makez Beajtiful Makezs Beajutiful Makesz Beaujtiful
Makew Beaytiful Beayutiful Makesw Beauytiful Maked Beauttiful Beauiful Makesd Beauitful
Makee Beaufiful Beauftiful Makese Beautfiful Makex Beau5iful Makexs Beau5tiful Makesx Beaut5iful
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