Sylvia Tosun
A Day Like Any Other

In the memory of a dream
Moving through the house that I grew up in
Finding all the rooms are empty

Letting go of children's things
Wondering if I was ever ready
To live the life that I have chosen

This is a day like any other
I'm not afraid today
To be alone
Or think of home

Dreaming that I'm awake
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Safe in the thought that you are here
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming that you are really here
To stay

You are what is lost in me
All of what is sacred and unholy
Leaving what is left unspoken
I become myself again
Practicing the art of being broken
To keep the hope of being whole

This is a day like any other
All of the things I've had to love or fear
Have disappeared

Dreaming that I'm awake
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Safe in the thought that you are here
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming that you are really here
To stay

Learning how to close the door
To the rooms I won't be going back to
Where I leave a child dreaming

Dreaming that I'm awake
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Safe in the thought that you are here
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming that you are really here
To stay

To stay...

Mirror lyrics:

To stay...

To stay
Dreaming that you are really here
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Safe in the thought that you are here
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Dreaming that I'm awake

Where I leave a child dreaming
To the rooms I won't be going back to
Learning how to close the door

To stay
Dreaming that you are really here
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Safe in the thought that you are here
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Dreaming that I'm awake

Have disappeared
All of the things I've had to love or fear
This is a day like any other

To keep the hope of being whole
Practicing the art of being broken
I become myself again
Leaving what is left unspoken
All of what is sacred and unholy
You are what is lost in me

To stay
Dreaming that you are really here
Waiting for you to disappear
Dreaming I'm not afraid
Safe in the thought that you are here
Safe in the cradle of your arms
Dreaming that I'm awake

Or think of home
To be alone
I'm not afraid today
This is a day like any other

To live the life that I have chosen
Wondering if I was ever ready
Letting go of children's things

Finding all the rooms are empty
Moving through the house that I grew up in
In the memory of a dream

Relevant Tags:
AA DDay LLike AAny OOther ay ike ny ther A aDy iLke nAy tOher z xay kike zny kther zA xDay kLike zAny kOther Az Dxay Lkike Azny Okther
q eay oike qny 9ther qA eDay oLike qAny 9Other Aq Deay Loike Aqny O9ther s fay pike sny 0ther sA fDay pLike sAny 0Other As Dfay Lpike Asny O0ther
w ray Liike wny lther wA rDay Lke wAny lOther Aw Dray Lkie Awny Olther x cay Ljke xny ither xA cDay Ljike xAny iOther Ax Dcay Lijke Axny Oither
say L9ke Anny Otther sDay L9ike Ay Oher Dsay Li9ke Ayn Ohter Daay Llke Amy Ofher Dy Llike Amny Ofther Dya Lilke Anmy Otfher
Dzy Loke Ahy O5her Dzay Ahny O5ther Dazy Lioke Anhy Ot5her Dqy Lkke Ajy Ohher Dqay Ajny Ohther Daqy Likke Anjy Othher
Dsy L8ke Aby Oyher L8ike Abny Oyther Dasy Li8ke Anby Otyher Dwy Luke Anyy O6her Dway Luike An O6ther Dawy Liuke Any Ot6her
Dxy Ang Ogher Lie Angy Ogther Daxy Liek Anyg Otgher Dayy Lile Anh Orher Da Orther Day Likle Anyh Otrher
Dag Lioe An6 Dagy An6y Oter Dayg Likoe Any6 Otehr Dah Lime Anu Otjer Dahy Limke Anuy Otjher Dayh Likme Anyu Othjer
Da6 Lije An7 Otuer Da6y An7y Otuher Day6 Likje Any7 Othuer Dau Liie Anj Otner

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