Mystery Of Tomorrow

You smile at me as a painting with no colour
You look at me as a star without a shine
You care for me but you don't hear what I'm saying
I wanna know what you really feel inside

If I could solve the mystery of tomorrow
If I could make some changes in your heart
If I could see the shadows of the future
I wouldn't be alone and torn apart

You dance with me but you don't feel my rhythm
You walk with me but you're always three steps ahead
You talk to me but I don't hear what you're saying
I wanna know what you really feel inside

If I could solve the mystery of tomorrow
If I could make some changes in your heart
If I could see the shadows of the future
I wouldn't be alone and torn apart

Mirror lyrics:

I wouldn't be alone and torn apart
If I could see the shadows of the future
If I could make some changes in your heart
If I could solve the mystery of tomorrow

I wanna know what you really feel inside
You talk to me but I don't hear what you're saying
You walk with me but you're always three steps ahead
You dance with me but you don't feel my rhythm

I wouldn't be alone and torn apart
If I could see the shadows of the future
If I could make some changes in your heart
If I could solve the mystery of tomorrow

I wanna know what you really feel inside
You care for me but you don't hear what I'm saying
You look at me as a star without a shine
You smile at me as a painting with no colour

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kystery 9f 5omorrow kMystery 9Of 5Tomorrow Mkystery O9f T5omorrow nystery 0f homorrow nMystery 0Of hTomorrow Mnystery O0f Thomorrow
Myystery lf yomorrow Mstery lOf yTomorrow Msytery Olf Tyomorrow Mgstery if 6omorrow Mgystery iOf 6Tomorrow Mygstery Oif T6omorrow
Mhstery Off gomorrow Mhystery O gTomorrow Myhstery Of Tgomorrow M6stery Oc romorrow M6ystery Ocf rTomorrow My6stery Ofc Tromorrow
Mustery Or Toomorrow Muystery Orf Tmorrow Myustery Ofr Tmoorrow M7stery Og Tkmorrow M7ystery Ogf Tkomorrow My7stery Ofg Tokmorrow
Mjstery Ot T9morrow Otf T9omorrow Myjstery Oft To9morrow Mtstery Ov T0morrow Mtystery Ovf T0omorrow Mytstery Ofv To0morrow
Mysstery Od Tlmorrow Mytery Odf Tlomorrow Mytsery Ofd Tolmorrow Myztery Timorrow Myzstery Tiomorrow Mysztery Toimorrow
Mywtery Tommorrow Mywstery Toorrow Myswtery Toomrrow Mydtery Tojorrow Mydstery Tojmorrow Mysdtery Tomjorrow
Myetery Tokorrow Myestery Mysetery Tomkorrow Myxtery Tonorrow Myxstery Tonmorrow Mysxtery Tomnorrow
Myatery Tomoorrow Myastery Tomrrow Mysatery Tomrorow Mysttery Tomkrrow Mysery Mysetry Tomokrrow
Mysfery Tom9rrow Mysftery Tom9orrow Mystfery Tomo9rrow Mys5ery Tom0rrow Mys5tery Tom0orrow Myst5ery Tomo0rrow
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Mys6ery Tomorrrow Mys6tery Tomorow Myst6ery Tomorrow

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