Syleena Johnson
You're Not The Man

Lately, things just ain't what they used to be
And I don't know why
Why you're not the ma you used to be
In the beginning you were so good to me
You made love seem like it came so naturally
But now you've changed and it's so plain to see
That you're not the man that you used to be
In the midnight hour, I long for your touch
Waiting for you to come home, oh
I would miss you so much
Now you don't come by
And you don't call me no more
Have your feelings changes
I'm not sure what you're looking for
"Cause baby it hurts like hell to think that you don't
Want to be here in my arms
And at times have you found somebody better than me
'Cause you're not the man
You're not the man that you used to be
You're not the man to take care of me
You're not the man that loved me constantly
But I understand that you're just a man
That you can't be the man for me
I remember the times when I was so lonely
But never, ever again now I have found peace
I found a new friend who knows how to hold me
Someone who understands that I'm all he needs
Not it feels so good to know that he wants to be
Here in my arms
And at times, he's the man that you used to be
That you used to be
You're not the man, you're not the man
That took care of me
You're not the man, you're not the man
That loved me constantly
But I understand that you're just a man
That you can't be the man for me
I just don't know why things have changed
Between you and me
But that's alright baby, 'cause I found someone to love me
You're not the man, don't worry about me
You're not the man

Mirror lyrics:

You're not the man
You're not the man, don't worry about me
But that's alright baby, 'cause I found someone to love me
Between you and me
I just don't know why things have changed
That you can't be the man for me
But I understand that you're just a man
That loved me constantly
You're not the man, you're not the man
That took care of me
You're not the man, you're not the man
That you used to be
And at times, he's the man that you used to be
Here in my arms
Not it feels so good to know that he wants to be
Someone who understands that I'm all he needs
I found a new friend who knows how to hold me
But never, ever again now I have found peace
I remember the times when I was so lonely
That you can't be the man for me
But I understand that you're just a man
You're not the man that loved me constantly
You're not the man to take care of me
You're not the man that you used to be
'Cause you're not the man
And at times have you found somebody better than me
Want to be here in my arms
"Cause baby it hurts like hell to think that you don't
I'm not sure what you're looking for
Have your feelings changes
And you don't call me no more
Now you don't come by
I would miss you so much
Waiting for you to come home, oh
In the midnight hour, I long for your touch
That you're not the man that you used to be
But now you've changed and it's so plain to see
You made love seem like it came so naturally
In the beginning you were so good to me
Why you're not the ma you used to be
And I don't know why
Lately, things just ain't what they used to be

Relevant Tags:
YYou're NNot TThe MMan ou're ot he an oYu're oNt hTe aMn gou're mot fhe jan gYou're mNot fThe jMan Ygou're Nmot Tfhe Mjan
hou're hot 5he kan hYou're hNot 5The kMan Yhou're Nhot T5he Mkan 6ou're jot hhe nan 6You're jNot hThe nMan Y6ou're Njot Thhe Mnan
uou're bot yhe Maan uYou're bNot yThe Mn Yuou're Nbot Tyhe Mna 7ou're Noot 6he Mzn 7You're Nt 6The Mzan Y7ou're Nto T6he Mazn
jou're Nkt ghe Mqn jYou're Nkot gThe Mqan Yjou're Nokt Tghe Maqn tou're N9t rhe Msn tYou're N9ot rThe Msan Ytou're No9t Trhe Masn
Yoou're N0t Mwn Yu're N0ot Te Mwan Yuo're No0t Teh Mawn Yku're Nlt Tje Mxn Ykou're Nlot Tjhe Mxan Yoku're Nolt Thje Maxn
Y9u're Nit Tue Mann Y9ou're Niot Tuhe Ma Yo9u're Noit Thue Man Y0u're Nott Tne Mam Y0ou're No Tnhe Mamn Yo0u're Not Thne Manm
Ylu're Nof Tbe Mah Ylou're Noft Tbhe Mahn Yolu're Notf Thbe Manh Yiu're No5 Tge Maj Yiou're No5t Majn Yoiu're Not5 Thge Manj
Youu're Noh Tye Mab Yo're Noht Mabn Yo'ure Noth Thye Manb Yoh're Noy Thee Yohu're Noyt Th Youh're Noty The
Yo7're No6 Ths Yo7u're No6t Thse You7're Not6 Thes Yok're Nog Th3 Nogt Th3e Youk're Notg The3
Yoi're Nor Thf

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