Symphony X
Revelation (divus Pennae Ex Tragoedia)

Against the wall - they see you
nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Heroic mask - the cracks are showing
a Faceless God to shape the Perfect Lie

Wounds of Hate have pierced so deep
they never die - my revenge is bittersweet

Lost in the night wandering alone
Try as I might to escape the fight
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
A way to Rise above it All

Saviour or the fool? - the mystery
fades into the cruel shade of night

This broken disguise can not comprehend
what was, and will be... until the very end

Wounds of Hate have pierced so deep
they never die - my revenge is bittersweet

Lost in the night wandering alone
Try as I might to escape the fight
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
A way to Rise above it All


...oh, where the North Wind sleeps - that is when
we'll meet again...oh, where the shadows creep
into Twilight, I'll descend
Good and Evil, it never ends
You're just a means to an end

Lost in the night wandering alone
Try as I might to escape the fight
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
A way to Rise above it All

Lost in the night wandering alone
Try as I might to escape the fight
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
A way to Rise above it All

Mirror lyrics:

A way to Rise above it All
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
Try as I might to escape the fight
Lost in the night wandering alone

A way to Rise above it All
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
Try as I might to escape the fight
Lost in the night wandering alone

You're just a means to an end
Good and Evil, it never ends
into Twilight, I'll descend
we'll meet again...oh, where the shadows creep
...oh, where the North Wind sleeps - that is when


A way to Rise above it All
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
Try as I might to escape the fight
Lost in the night wandering alone

they never die - my revenge is bittersweet
Wounds of Hate have pierced so deep

what was, and will be... until the very end
This broken disguise can not comprehend

fades into the cruel shade of night
Saviour or the fool? - the mystery

A way to Rise above it All
It never lets me go - I've got to find a way
Try as I might to escape the fight
Lost in the night wandering alone

they never die - my revenge is bittersweet
Wounds of Hate have pierced so deep

a Faceless God to shape the Perfect Lie
Heroic mask - the cracks are showing

nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Against the wall - they see you

Relevant Tags:
RRevelation ((divus PPennae EEx TTragoedia) evelation divus ennae x ragoedia) eRvelation d(ivus ePnnae xE rTagoedia)
develation (ddivus 0ennae sx fragoedia) dRevelation (ivus 0Pennae sEx fTragoedia) Rdevelation (idvus P0ennae Esx Tfragoedia)
4evelation (xivus lennae 3x 5ragoedia) 4Revelation (xdivus lPennae 3Ex 5Tragoedia) R4evelation (dxivus Plennae E3x T5ragoedia)
gevelation (eivus oennae fx hragoedia) gRevelation (edivus oPennae fEx hTragoedia) Rgevelation (deivus Poennae Efx Thragoedia)
tevelation (fivus Peennae rx yragoedia) tRevelation (fdivus Pnnae rEx yTragoedia) Rtevelation (dfivus Pnenae Erx Tyragoedia)
5evelation (rivus Psnnae 4x 6ragoedia) 5Revelation (rdivus Psennae 4Ex 6Tragoedia) R5evelation (drivus Pesnnae E4x T6ragoedia)
fevelation (civus P3nnae dx gragoedia) fRevelation (cdivus P3ennae dEx gTragoedia) Rfevelation (dcivus Pe3nnae Edx Tgragoedia)
eevelation (sivus Pfnnae wx rragoedia) eRevelation (sdivus Pfennae wEx rTragoedia) Reevelation (dsivus Pefnnae Ewx Trragoedia)
(diivus Prnnae Exx Rvelation (dvus Prennae E Tagoedia) Rveelation (dvius Pernnae Ex Targoedia)
Rsvelation (djvus P4nnae Ed Tdagoedia) Rsevelation (djivus P4ennae Tdragoedia) Resvelation (dijvus Pe4nnae Exd Trdagoedia)
R3velation (d9vus Pdnnae Ez T4agoedia) R3evelation (d9ivus Pdennae Ezx T4ragoedia) Re3velation (di9vus Pednnae Exz Tr4agoedia)
Rfvelation (dlvus Pwnnae Ec Tgagoedia) (dlivus Pwennae Ecx Refvelation (dilvus Pewnnae Exc Trgagoedia)
Rrvelation (dovus Pennnae Es Ttagoedia) Rrevelation (doivus Penae Ttragoedia) Rervelation (diovus Pennae Exs Trtagoedia)
R4velation (dkvus Pemnae T5agoedia) (dkivus Pemnnae Re4velation (dikvus Penmnae Tr5agoedia)
Rdvelation (d8vus Pehnae Tfagoedia) (d8ivus Pehnnae Redvelation (di8vus Penhnae Trfagoedia)
Rwvelation (duvus Pejnae Teagoedia) Rwevelation (duivus Pejnnae Teragoedia) Rewvelation (diuvus Penjnae Treagoedia)
Revvelation (divvus Pebnae Traagoedia) Reelation (dius Pebnnae Trgoedia) Reevlation (diuvs Penbnae Trgaoedia)
Rebelation (dibus Trzgoedia) Rebvelation (dibvus Trzagoedia) Revbelation (divbus Penane Trazgoedia)
Recelation (dicus Penmae Trqgoedia) Recvelation (dicvus Trqagoedia) Revcelation (divcus Pennmae Traqgoedia)
Regelation (digus Penhae Trsgoedia) Regvelation (digvus Trsagoedia) Revgelation (divgus Pennhae Trasgoedia)
Refelation (difus Penjae Trwgoedia) (difvus Trwagoedia) Revfelation (divfus Pennjae Trawgoedia)
Reveelation (divuus Penbae Trxgoedia) Revlation (divs Trxagoedia) Revleation (divsu Pennbae Traxgoedia)
Revslation (divhs Pennaae Traggoedia) Revselation (divhus Penne Traoedia) Reveslation (divuhs Pennea Traogedia)
Rev3lation (div7s Pennze Trahoedia) Rev3elation (div7us Pennzae Trahgoedia) Reve3lation (divu7s Pennaze Traghoedia)
Revflation (divks Pennqe Trayoedia) (divkus Pennqae Traygoedia) Reveflation (divuks Pennaqe Tragyoedia)
Revrlation (divis Pennse Traboedia) Revrelation (divius Pennsae Trabgoedia) Reverlation (divuis Pennase Tragboedia)
Rev4lation (div8s Pennwe Travoedia) Rev4elation (div8us Pennwae Travgoedia) Reve4lation (divu8s Pennawe Tragvoedia)
Revdlation (divjs Pennxe Trafoedia) Revdelation (divjus Pennxae Trafgoedia) Revedlation (divujs Pennaxe Tragfoedia)
Revwlation (divys Pennaee Tratoedia) Revwelation (divyus Penna Tratgoedia) Revewlation (divuys Tragtoedia)
Revellation (divuss Pennas Tragooedia) Reveation (divu Tragedia) Revealtion (divus Pennaes Trageodia)

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