Switchblade Symphony
Roller Coaster

We've been sailing
All through sick skies
Backbones breaking
So we all lie

We've been sailing
All through sick skies
Backbones breaking
So we all lie

We are laughing, you see
Ah ha ha ha

Please don't get in line again
For the ride of the rollercoaster
Please don't get in line again
For the ride of the rollercoaster
It's such a scream
It's such a scream

See the tracks
Bring them back
Don't you dare
Leave them there

We are laughing, you see
Ah ha ha ha

All the places
They're getting close to me
Coming around the bend
For all to see
And be

Mirror lyrics:

And be
For all to see
Coming around the bend
They're getting close to me
All the places

Ah ha ha ha
We are laughing, you see

Leave them there
Don't you dare
Bring them back
See the tracks

It's such a scream
It's such a scream
For the ride of the rollercoaster
Please don't get in line again
For the ride of the rollercoaster
Please don't get in line again

Ah ha ha ha
We are laughing, you see

So we all lie
Backbones breaking
All through sick skies
We've been sailing

So we all lie
Backbones breaking
All through sick skies
We've been sailing

Relevant Tags:
RRoller CCoaster oller oaster oRller oCaster doller foaster dRoller fCoaster Rdoller Cfoaster 4oller xoaster 4Roller xCoaster
R4oller Cxoaster goller voaster gRoller vCoaster Rgoller Cvoaster toller doaster tRoller dCoaster Rtoller Cdoaster 5oller Cooaster
5Roller Caster R5oller Caoster foller Ckaster fRoller Ckoaster Rfoller Cokaster eoller C9aster eRoller C9oaster Reoller Co9aster
Rooller C0aster Rller C0oaster Rloler Co0aster Rkller Claster Rkoller Cloaster Rokller Colaster R9ller Ciaster R9oller Cioaster
Ro9ller Coiaster R0ller Coaaster R0oller Coster Ro0ller Cosater Rlller Cozster Rloller Cozaster Rolller Coazster Riller Coqster
Rioller Coqaster Roiller Coaqster Cosster Roler Cosaster Roller Coasster Rokler Cowster Cowaster Rolkler Coawster
Rooler Coxster Coxaster Rololer Coaxster Ropler Ropller Coater Rolpler Coatser Coazter Rolelr Coaszter
Rolker Coawter Rollker Coaswter Roloer Coadter Coadster Rolloer Coasdter Rolper Coaeter Coaester Rollper Coaseter

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