Every Second Counts

Look at the mountian
Look at the river
Look at the city
Look at it glitter, with you

'Cause every secound counts in love

It's time for a shake up
So deal with your break-up
And quit with the make-up
Just watch me take up, with you

'Cause every second counts in love

Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Yeah!)

Look in the mirror
Everything's clearer
You get you your given
It's not a decision for you

'Cause every second counts in love

I'll try and deliver
I'll learn to forgive her
I'm gonna take it
So just watch me make it, with you

'Cause every second counts in love

Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Yeah!)

Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love

I wanna look at the mountians
Look at the river
Look at the city
Look at it glitter, with you

'Cause every secound counts in love

Here I go (There he goes)
Here I go (There she goes)
Here I go (There he goes)
Here I go (There she goes)
Here I go (There he goes)
Here I go (There she goes)

Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love

Mirror lyrics:

Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love, love, love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love

Here I go (There she goes)
Here I go (There he goes)
Here I go (There she goes)
Here I go (There he goes)
Here I go (There she goes)
Here I go (There he goes)

'Cause every secound counts in love

Look at it glitter, with you
Look at the city
Look at the river
I wanna look at the mountians

Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love
Every second counts in love

Here I go (Yeah!)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)

'Cause every second counts in love

So just watch me make it, with you
I'm gonna take it
I'll learn to forgive her
I'll try and deliver

'Cause every second counts in love

It's not a decision for you
You get you your given
Everything's clearer
Look in the mirror

Here I go (Yeah!)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)
Here I go (Here I go)

'Cause every second counts in love

Just watch me take up, with you
And quit with the make-up
So deal with your break-up
It's time for a shake up

'Cause every secound counts in love

Look at it glitter, with you
Look at the city
Look at the river
Look at the mountian

Relevant Tags:
EEvery SSecond CCounts very econd ounts vEery eScond oCunts svery zecond founts sEvery zSecond fCounts Esvery Szecond Cfounts
3very wecond xounts 3Every wSecond xCounts E3very Swecond Cxounts fvery decond vounts fEvery dSecond vCounts Efvery Sdecond Cvounts
rvery eecond dounts rEvery eSecond dCounts Ervery Seecond Cdounts 4very xecond Coounts 4Every xSecond Cunts E4very Sxecond Cuonts
dvery aecond Ckunts dEvery aSecond Ckounts Edvery Saecond Cokunts wvery C9unts wEvery Scond C9ounts Ewvery Sceond Co9unts
Evvery Sscond C0unts Eery Ssecond C0ounts Eevry Sescond Co0unts Ebery S3cond Clunts Ebvery S3econd Clounts Evbery Se3cond Colunts
Ecery Sfcond Ciunts Ecvery Sfecond Ciounts Evcery Sefcond Coiunts Egery Srcond Couunts Egvery Srecond Conts Evgery Sercond Conuts
Efery S4cond Cohnts S4econd Cohunts Evfery Se4cond Couhnts Eveery Sdcond Co7nts Evry Co7unts Evrey Sedcond Cou7nts
Evsry Swcond Coknts Evsery Evesry Sewcond Couknts Ev3ry Seccond Coints Ev3ery Seond Eve3ry Seocnd Couints
Evfry Sefond Co8nts Co8unts Evefry Secfond Cou8nts Evrry Sexond Cojnts Evrery Sexcond Cojunts Everry Secxond Coujnts
Ev4ry Sevond Coynts Ev4ery Sevcond Coyunts

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