Everybody Wants To Be Someone

Are you happy with what you've got

Do you like it cold, do you like it hot

Do you like the way you see yourself

Do you sometimes wish you were someone else

Only a fool would say no

Do you know which direction to go

Are you scared of what you may have done

What you've become

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Are you happy with what you earn

Have you got to the point of no return

Do you sometimes wishyou were someone else

When you're looking in the mirror, do you see yourself

I believe every dog has its day

I believe that there's always a way

I believe that my kingdom will come life in the run

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Are you happy with what you are

Que sera, sera, sera

It's your life, c'est la vie

What will be, will be, will be

I believe every dog has its day

I believe that there's always a way

I believe that my kingdom will come life in the run

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Mirror lyrics:

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone

Everybody wants to be someone

I believe that my kingdom will come life in the run

I believe that there's always a way

I believe every dog has its day

What will be, will be, will be

It's your life, c'est la vie

Que sera, sera, sera

Are you happy with what you are

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Everybody wants to be someone

I believe that my kingdom will come life in the run

I believe that there's always a way

I believe every dog has its day

When you're looking in the mirror, do you see yourself

Do you sometimes wishyou were someone else

Have you got to the point of no return

Are you happy with what you earn

Everybody wants to be someone, someone

Everybody wants to be someone

What you've become

Are you scared of what you may have done

Do you know which direction to go

Only a fool would say no

Do you sometimes wish you were someone else

Do you like the way you see yourself

Do you like it cold, do you like it hot

Are you happy with what you've got

Relevant Tags:
EEverybody WWants TTo BBe SSomeone verybody ants o e omeone vEerybody aWnts oT eB oSmeone sverybody aants fo ve zomeone sEverybody aWants fTo vBe zSomeone
Esverybody Waants Tfo Bve Szomeone 3verybody 3ants 5o ge womeone 3Everybody 3Wants 5To gBe wSomeone E3verybody W3ants T5o Bge Swomeone fverybody dants ho ne domeone
fEverybody dWants hTo nBe dSomeone Efverybody Wdants Tho Bne Sdomeone rverybody eants yo he eomeone rEverybody eWants yTo hBe eSomeone Erverybody Weants Tyo Bhe Seomeone
4verybody sants 6o Bee xomeone 4Everybody sWants 6To B xSomeone E4verybody Wsants T6o Be Sxomeone dverybody 2ants go Bs aomeone dEverybody 2Wants gTo Bse aSomeone
Edverybody W2ants Tgo Bes Saomeone wverybody qants ro B3 Soomeone wEverybody qWants rTo B3e Smeone Ewverybody Wqants Tro Be3 Smoeone Evverybody Too Bf Skmeone
Eerybody Wnts T Bfe Skomeone Eevrybody Wnats To Bef Sokmeone Eberybody Wznts Tk Br S9meone Ebverybody Wzants Tko Bre S9omeone Evberybody Waznts Tok Ber So9meone
Ecerybody Wqnts T9 B4 S0meone Ecverybody T9o B4e S0omeone Evcerybody Waqnts To9 Be4 So0meone Egerybody Wsnts T0 Bd Slmeone Egverybody T0o Bde Slomeone
Evgerybody Wasnts To0 Bed Solmeone Eferybody Wwnts Tl Bw Simeone Wwants Tlo Bwe Siomeone Evferybody Wawnts Tol Bew Soimeone Eveerybody Wxnts Ti Sommeone
Evrybody Wxants Tio Soeone Evreybody Waxnts Toi Soemone Evsrybody Wannts Sojeone Evserybody Wats Sojmeone Evesrybody Watns Somjeone
Ev3rybody Wamts Sokeone Ev3erybody Wamnts Eve3rybody Wanmts Somkeone Evfrybody Wahts Soneone Wahnts Sonmeone
Evefrybody Wanhts Somneone Evrrybody Wajts Someeone Evrerybody Wajnts Somone Everrybody Wanjts Somoene Ev4rybody Wabts Somsone
Ev4erybody Wabnts Somseone Eve4rybody Wanbts Somesone Evdrybody Wantts Som3one Evderybody Wans Som3eone Evedrybody Wanst Some3one
Evwrybody Wanfs Somfone Evwerybody Wanfts Somfeone Evewrybody Wantfs Somefone Wan5s Somrone Eveybody Wan5ts Somreone
Eveyrbody Want5s Somerone Evedybody Wanhs Som4one Som4eone Everdybody Wanths Some4one Eve4ybody Wanys Somdone
Wanyts Somdeone Ever4ybody Wantys Somedone Evegybody Wan6s Somwone Evegrybody Wan6ts Somweone Evergybody Want6s Somewone
Evetybody Wangs Someoone Evetrybody Wangts Somene Evertybody Wantgs Somenoe Eve5ybody Wanrs Somekne Eve5rybody Wanrts Somekone
Ever5ybody Wantrs Someokne Evefybody Wantss Some9ne Want Some9one Everfybody Wants Someo9ne Eveeybody Wantz Some0ne
Wantzs Some0one Evereybody Wantsz Someo0ne Everyybody Wantw Somelne Everbody Wantws Somelone

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