Sweeney Todd
Not While I'm Around (duet With Edward Sanders And...

Toby: “Seems like the Good Lord sent you for me.”

Mrs. Lovett: “You know, love, I felt quite the same way.”

Toby: “Listen to me, please. You know there's nothin' I wouldn't
do for you. Say, if there was someone around--someone
bad--only you didn't know it--”

Mrs. Lovett: “What is this? What are you talkin' about?”

Toby: Nothin's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you - no, sir
Not while I'm around

Demons are prowlin' everywhere
I'll send 'em howlin'
I don't care
I got ways

No one's gonna hurt you
No one's gonna dare
Others can desert you
Not to worry--
Whistle, I'll be there

Demons will charm you with a smile
For a while
But in time
Nothin' can harm you
Not while I'm around


Not to worry
Not to worry
I may not be smart but I ain't dumb

I can do it
Put me to it
Show me somethin' I can overcome
Not to worry, mum

Bein' close and bein' clever
Ain't like bein' true
I don't need to
I will never
Hide a thing from you--
Like some

Mrs. Lovett: “Now Toby, dear, haven't we had enough of this foolish
chatter? Here, how about… I give you… a nice shiny new
penny and you go get us some toffees?”

Toby: “That's Signor Pirelli's purse!”

Mrs. Lovett: “No, it's not.
--Just something Mr. T. give me for my birthday.”

Toby: “That proves it! We gotta go, ma'am--we gotta find the
Beadle and get the law here--”

Mrs. Lovett: “Shhh, Toby. Hush, now, you're not goin' anywhere. You
just sit here, nice and quiet, next to me. That's right...”

Nothin's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you, darlin'
Not while I'm around

Toby: Demons will charm you with a smile
For a while
But in time
Nothin's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around

[Instrumental to End]

Mirror lyrics:

[Instrumental to End]

Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you
But in time
For a while
Toby: Demons will charm you with a smile

Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you, darlin'
Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you

just sit here, nice and quiet, next to me. That's right...”
Mrs. Lovett: “Shhh, Toby. Hush, now, you're not goin' anywhere. You

Beadle and get the law here--”
Toby: “That proves it! We gotta go, ma'am--we gotta find the

--Just something Mr. T. give me for my birthday.”
Mrs. Lovett: “No, it's not.

Toby: “That's Signor Pirelli's purse!”

penny and you go get us some toffees?”
chatter? Here, how about… I give you… a nice shiny new
Mrs. Lovett: “Now Toby, dear, haven't we had enough of this foolish

Like some
Hide a thing from you--
I will never
I don't need to
Ain't like bein' true
Bein' close and bein' clever

Not to worry, mum
Show me somethin' I can overcome
Put me to it
I can do it

I may not be smart but I ain't dumb
Not to worry
Not to worry


Not while I'm around
Nothin' can harm you
But in time
For a while
Demons will charm you with a smile

Whistle, I'll be there
Not to worry--
Others can desert you
No one's gonna dare
No one's gonna hurt you

I got ways
I don't care
I'll send 'em howlin'
Demons are prowlin' everywhere

Not while I'm around
Nothin's gonna harm you - no, sir
Not while I'm around
Toby: Nothin's gonna harm you

Mrs. Lovett: “What is this? What are you talkin' about?”

bad--only you didn't know it--”
do for you. Say, if there was someone around--someone
Toby: “Listen to me, please. You know there's nothin' I wouldn't

Mrs. Lovett: “You know, love, I felt quite the same way.”

Toby: “Seems like the Good Lord sent you for me.”

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NNot WWhile II'm AAround ((duet WWith EEdward SSanders AAnd... ot hile 'm round duet ith dward anders nd...
oNt hWile 'Im rAound d(uet iWth dEward aSnders nAd... mot ahile j'm zround (dduet aith sdward zanders znd...
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hot 3hile 9'm qround (xuet 3ith 3dward wanders qnd... hNot 3While 9I'm qAround (xduet 3With 3Edward wSanders qAnd...
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