Swan Lee
What Is Love

This morning when I woke up
The silence in my head
I knew then
The loneliness that beat me
Is chasing me again

Oh what is love
What was I thinking of
This foolish heart of mine
What did I hope to find

I'm fighting with the moonlight
I'm fighting with my fears
And yet I know
That everytime I'm near you
My love for you runs cold

Oh what I've learned
Is that love makes you burn
This foolish heart of mine
What did I hope to find

Someone who's strong
Who won't do me wrong
A place to belong

Oh what I've learned
Is that love makes you burn
Yeah that is love
What was I thinking of
This foolish heart of mine
What did I hope to find

Mirror lyrics:

What did I hope to find
This foolish heart of mine
What was I thinking of
Yeah that is love
Is that love makes you burn
Oh what I've learned

A place to belong
Who won't do me wrong
Someone who's strong

What did I hope to find
This foolish heart of mine
Is that love makes you burn
Oh what I've learned

My love for you runs cold
That everytime I'm near you
And yet I know
I'm fighting with my fears
I'm fighting with the moonlight

What did I hope to find
This foolish heart of mine
What was I thinking of
Oh what is love

Is chasing me again
The loneliness that beat me
I knew then
The silence in my head
This morning when I woke up

Relevant Tags:
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dhat ls pove dWhat lIs pLove Wdhat Ils Lpove ehat os eWhat oIs Lve Wehat Ios Lvoe shat ks Lkve sWhat kIs Wshat Iks Lokve
2hat 8s L9ve 2What 8Is L9ove W2hat I8s Lo9ve qhat us L0ve qWhat uIs L0ove Wqhat Ius Lo0ve Whhat Iss Llve Wat I Llove Waht Is Lolve
Wjat Iz Live Wjhat Izs Liove Whjat Isz Loive Wuat Iw Lovve Wuhat Iws Loe Whuat Isw Loev Wnat Id Lobe Wnhat Ids Lobve Whnat Isd Lovbe
Wbat Ie Loce Wbhat Ies Locve Whbat Ise Lovce Wgat Ix Loge Wghat Ixs Logve Whgat Isx Lovge Wyat Ia Lofe Wyhat Ias Lofve

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