Sweet Coffee
Lost In Tears Sweet Coffee

Couldn't help listening to your brother
All the time I was right behind the corner
It was hard hearing the things you said
I can't forgive the things - hard to forget
How could we apart so far from the question
Now I'll know I know all the answers
A hard way to find out what you feel
Now a wall of trust is coming down on me

Lost in tears
Lost in faith
Seems like I'm lost and amazed
Lost in tears
Lost in faith
Seems like you've lost inner grace
(Lost in tears)
(Lost in faith)

How couldn't we speak to one another
It hurts the most coming from your brother
Was it declare that I've find your jealousy
How could our friendship turn into envy
Now you say you didn't mean the things you said
I hope that time coming from someone there
Does it still matter you where just a shallow fear
Harder and hard, untill you be with me

(lost in tears)
(lost in faith)

Mirror lyrics:

(lost in faith)
(lost in tears)

Harder and hard, untill you be with me
Does it still matter you where just a shallow fear
I hope that time coming from someone there
Now you say you didn't mean the things you said
How could our friendship turn into envy
Was it declare that I've find your jealousy
It hurts the most coming from your brother
How couldn't we speak to one another

(Lost in faith)
(Lost in tears)
Seems like you've lost inner grace
Lost in faith
Lost in tears
Seems like I'm lost and amazed
Lost in faith
Lost in tears

Now a wall of trust is coming down on me
A hard way to find out what you feel
Now I'll know I know all the answers
How could we apart so far from the question
I can't forgive the things - hard to forget
It was hard hearing the things you said
All the time I was right behind the corner
Couldn't help listening to your brother

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LLost IIn TTears SSweet CCoffee ost n ears weet offee oLst nI eTars wSeet oCffee kost jn fears zweet foffee kLost jIn fTears zSweet fCoffee
Lkost Ijn Tfears Szweet Cfoffee oost 9n 5ears wweet xoffee oLost 9In 5Tears wSweet xCoffee Loost I9n T5ears Swweet Cxoffee post ln hears dweet voffee
pLost lIn hTears dSweet vCoffee Lpost Iln Thears Sdweet Cvoffee on years eweet doffee Lst oIn yTears eSweet dCoffee Lsot Ion Tyears Seweet Cdoffee
Lkst kn 6ears xweet Cooffee kIn 6Tears xSweet Cffee Lokst Ikn T6ears Sxweet Cfofee L9st 8n gears aweet Ckffee L9ost 8In gTears aSweet Ckoffee
Lo9st I8n Tgears Saweet Cokffee L0st un rears C9ffee L0ost uIn rTears Seet C9offee Lo0st Iun Trears Sewet Co9ffee Llst Inn Teears Saeet C0ffee
Llost I Tars C0offee Lolst In Taers Swaeet Co0ffee List Im Tsars S3eet Clffee Liost Imn Tsears S3weet Cloffee Loist Inm Tesars Sw3eet Colffee
Losst Ih T3ars Sdeet Ciffee Lot Ihn T3ears Cioffee Lots Inh Te3ars Swdeet Coiffee Lozt Ij Tfars Seeet Cofffee Lozst Cofee
Loszt Inj Tefars Sweeet Coffee Lowt Ib Trars Sseet Cocfee Lowst Ibn Ssweet Cocffee Loswt Inb Terars Swseet Cofcfee Lodt T4ars S2eet Corfee
Lodst T4ears S2weet Corffee Losdt Te4ars Sw2eet Cofrfee Loet Tdars Sqeet Cogfee Loest Tdears Sqweet Cogffee Loset Tedars Swqeet Cofgfee
Loxt Twars Cotfee Loxst Twears Swet Cotffee Losxt Tewars Sweet Coftfee Loat Teaars Swset Covfee Loast Ters Covffee
Losat Teras Sweset Cofvfee Lostt Tezrs Sw3et Codfee Los Tezars Codffee

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