Taio Cruz
Higher (feat. Travie Mccoy)

Now I know im gun' get down on the floor
Experiencing what you cant ignore
But something bout this beat just got me hooked
Come over here and take a closer look

Coz I cant get enough, I cant get enough
I cant stay on the ground (woah)
I cant get enough, I cant get enough
This is taking me now

Its taking me higher, higher
Higher off the ground (x2)

I do this for,
Its just for the thrill,
I got this high, were bout to get a feel
This move has got me way over the sun
Im dancing like I am the only one

Coz I cant get enough, I cant get enough
I cant stay on the ground (woah)
I cant get enough, I cant get enough
This is taking me now

Its taking me higher, higher
Higher off the ground (x2)

The musics got me going higher
I feel like I can touch the sky

Its taking me higher, higher
Higher off the ground (x4)

Mirror lyrics:

Higher off the ground (x4)
Its taking me higher, higher

I feel like I can touch the sky
The musics got me going higher

Higher off the ground (x2)
Its taking me higher, higher

This is taking me now
I cant get enough, I cant get enough
I cant stay on the ground (woah)
Coz I cant get enough, I cant get enough

Im dancing like I am the only one
This move has got me way over the sun
I got this high, were bout to get a feel
Its just for the thrill,
I do this for,

Higher off the ground (x2)
Its taking me higher, higher

This is taking me now
I cant get enough, I cant get enough
I cant stay on the ground (woah)
Coz I cant get enough, I cant get enough

Come over here and take a closer look
But something bout this beat just got me hooked
Experiencing what you cant ignore
Now I know im gun' get down on the floor

Relevant Tags:
HHigher ((feat. TTravie MMccoy) igher feat. ravie ccoy) iHgher f(eat. rTavie cMcoy) jigher (ffeat. fravie jccoy) jHigher (eat. fTravie jMccoy)
Hjigher (efat. Tfravie Mjccoy) uigher (ceat. 5ravie kccoy) uHigher (cfeat. 5Travie kMccoy) Huigher (fceat. T5ravie Mkccoy) nigher (reat. hravie nccoy)
nHigher (rfeat. hTravie nMccoy) Hnigher (freat. Thravie Mnccoy) bigher (geat. yravie Mcccoy) bHigher (gfeat. yTravie Mcoy) Hbigher (fgeat. Tyravie Mccoy)
gigher (teat. 6ravie Mfcoy) gHigher (tfeat. 6Travie Mfccoy) Hgigher (fteat. T6ravie Mcfcoy) yigher (veat. gravie Mxcoy) yHigher (vfeat. gTravie Mxccoy)
Hyigher (fveat. Tgravie Mcxcoy) Hiigher (deat. rravie Mvcoy) Hgher (dfeat. rTravie Mvccoy) Hgiher (fdeat. Trravie Mcvcoy) Hjgher (feeat. Mdcoy)
(fat. Tavie Mdccoy) Hijgher (faet. Tarvie Mcdcoy) H9gher (fsat. Tdavie H9igher (fseat. Tdravie Hi9gher (fesat. Trdavie Mcocy)
Hlgher (f3at. T4avie Mcfoy) Hligher (f3eat. T4ravie Hilgher (fe3at. Tr4avie Mccfoy) Hogher (ffat. Tgavie Mcxoy) Hoigher
Hiogher (fefat. Trgavie Mccxoy) Hkgher (frat. Ttavie Mcvoy) Hkigher Ttravie Hikgher (ferat. Trtavie Mccvoy) H8gher (f4at. T5avie Mcdoy)
H8igher (f4eat. Hi8gher (fe4at. Tr5avie Mccdoy) Hugher (fdat. Tfavie Mccooy) Mccy) Hiugher (fedat. Trfavie Mccyo)
Higgher (fwat. Teavie Mccky) Hiher (fweat. Teravie Mcckoy) Hihger (fewat. Treavie Mccoky) Hihher (feaat. Traavie Mcc9y) Hihgher (fet. Trvie Mcc9oy)
Highher (feta. Trvaie Mcco9y) Hiyher (fezt. Trzvie Mcc0y) Hiygher (fezat. Trzavie Mcc0oy) Higyher (feazt. Trazvie Mcco0y) Hibher (feqt. Trqvie Mccly)
Hibgher (feqat. Trqavie Mccloy) Higbher (feaqt. Traqvie Mccoly) Hivher (fest. Trsvie Mcciy) Hivgher Trsavie Mccioy) Higvher (feast. Trasvie Mccoiy)
Hifher (fewt. Trwvie Mccoyy) Hifgher Trwavie Mcco) Higfher (feawt. Trawvie Mcco)y

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