Suzanne Vega
Rock In This Pocket (song Of David)

Excuse me
If I may
Turn your attention
My way
One moment
I won't plead
It isn't much
It's what I need

And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see

If you turn from me
You darken my sun
You snap that thin thread
I call my horizon
And I'd like to remind you
Of something small
That the rock in this pocket
Could cause your fall

And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see

So small to you
And so large to me
If its the last thing I do
I'll make you see

I might be out like a light
Extinguished in the throw
But I'll hit my mark
And you'll know
Because I'm really well acquainted
With the span of your brow
And if you didn't know me then
You'll know me now
You'll know me now

And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If its the last thing I do
I'll make you see

So small to you
And so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
Make you see
Make you see

Mirror lyrics:

Make you see
Make you see
I'll make you see
If it's the last thing I do
And so large to me
So small to you

I'll make you see
If its the last thing I do
Is so large to me
And what's so small to you

You'll know me now
You'll know me now
And if you didn't know me then
With the span of your brow
Because I'm really well acquainted
And you'll know
But I'll hit my mark
Extinguished in the throw
I might be out like a light

I'll make you see
If its the last thing I do
And so large to me
So small to you

I'll make you see
If it's the last thing I do
Is so large to me
And what's so small to you

Could cause your fall
That the rock in this pocket
Of something small
And I'd like to remind you
I call my horizon
You snap that thin thread
You darken my sun
If you turn from me

I'll make you see
If it's the last thing I do
Is so large to me
And what's so small to you

It's what I need
It isn't much
I won't plead
One moment
My way
Turn your attention
If I may
Excuse me

Relevant Tags:
RRock IIn TThis PPocket ((song OOf DDavid) ock n his ocket song f avid) oRck nI hTis oPcket s(ong fO aDvid) dock jn fhis 0ocket (ssong kf xavid) dRock jIn fThis 0Pocket (ong kOf xDavid)
Rdock Ijn Tfhis P0ocket (osng Okf Dxavid) 4ock 9n 5his locket (zong 9f eavid) 4Rock 9In 5This lPocket (zsong 9Of eDavid) R4ock I9n T5his Plocket (szong O9f Deavid) gock ln hhis oocket (wong 0f favid)
gRock lIn hThis oPocket (wsong 0Of fDavid) Rgock Iln Thhis Poocket (swong O0f Dfavid) tock on yhis (dong lf ravid) tRock oIn yThis Pcket (dsong lOf rDavid) Rtock Ion Tyhis Pcoket (sdong Olf Dravid)
5ock kn 6his Pkcket (eong if cavid) 5Rock kIn 6This Pkocket (esong iOf cDavid) R5ock Ikn T6his Pokcket (seong Oif Dcavid) fock 8n ghis P9cket (xong Off savid) fRock 8In gThis P9ocket (xsong O sDavid)
Rfock I8n Tghis Po9cket (sxong Of Dsavid) eock un rhis P0cket (aong Oc Daavid) eRock uIn rThis (asong Ocf Dvid) Reock Iun Trhis Po0cket (saong Ofc Dvaid) Roock Inn Plcket (soong Or Dzvid)
Rck I Tis (sng Orf Dzavid) Rcok In Tihs Polcket (snog Ofr Dazvid) Rkck Im Tjis Picket (skng Og Dqvid) Rkock Imn Tjhis Piocket (skong Ogf Dqavid) Rokck Inm Thjis Poicket (sokng Ofg Daqvid)
R9ck Ih Tuis Poccket (s9ng Ot Dsvid) R9ock Ihn Tuhis Poket (s9ong Otf Ro9ck Inh Thuis Pokcet (so9ng Oft Dasvid) R0ck Ij Tnis Pofket (s0ng Ov Dwvid) R0ock Tnhis Pofcket (s0ong Ovf Dwavid)
Ro0ck Inj Thnis Pocfket (so0ng Ofv Dawvid) Rlck Ib Tbis Poxket (slng Od Dxvid) Rlock Ibn Tbhis Poxcket (slong Odf Rolck Inb Thbis Pocxket (solng Ofd Daxvid) Rick Tgis Povket (sing Davvid)
Riock Povcket (siong Daid) Roick Thgis Pocvket (soing Daivd) Rocck Tyis Podket (sonng Dabid) Rok Podcket (sog Dabvid) Rokc Thyis Pocdket (sogn Davbid)
Rofk Thiis Pockket (somg Dacid) Rofck Ths Pocet (somng Dacvid) Rocfk Thsi Pocekt (sonmg Davcid) Roxk Thjs Poclet (sohg Dagid) Roxck Poclket (sohng Dagvid)
Rocxk Thijs Pocklet (sonhg Davgid) Rovk Th9s Pocoet (sojg Dafid) Rovck Th9is Pocoket (sojng Dafvid)

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