Susan Tedeschi
Wrapped In The Arms Of Another

Hey where have you been hiding
In a land far away
Oh I can't stay away
But you're wrapped in the arms of another

All my life I've been searching for someone
Someone who's true
Someone just like you
But I'm lost looking in the haze
I can't make it past this stage
While you're wrapped in the arms of another, another

Oh it tears me up inside
And I know in my heart
That you were meant for me
And if we're meant to be then it will be
If we're meant to be then it will be

Hey where have you been hiding
You're so beautiful and free
Oh why can't our love be
I guess it's cause you're still
Wrapped in the arms of another

Oh it tears me up inside
cause i know in my heart
That you were meant for me
And if we're meant to be then it will be

Mirror lyrics:

And if we're meant to be then it will be
That you were meant for me
cause i know in my heart
Oh it tears me up inside

Wrapped in the arms of another
I guess it's cause you're still
Oh why can't our love be
You're so beautiful and free
Hey where have you been hiding

If we're meant to be then it will be
And if we're meant to be then it will be
That you were meant for me
And I know in my heart
Oh it tears me up inside

While you're wrapped in the arms of another, another
I can't make it past this stage
But I'm lost looking in the haze
Someone just like you
Someone who's true
All my life I've been searching for someone

But you're wrapped in the arms of another
Oh I can't stay away
In a land far away
Hey where have you been hiding

Relevant Tags:
WWrapped IIn TThe AArms OOf AAnother rapped n he rms f nother rWapped nI hTe rAms fO nAother arapped jn fhe zrms kf znother aWrapped jIn fThe zArms kOf zAnother
Warapped Ijn Tfhe Azrms Okf Aznother 3rapped 9n 5he qrms 9f qnother 3Wrapped 9In 5The qArms 9Of qAnother W3rapped I9n T5he Aqrms O9f Aqnother drapped ln hhe srms 0f snother
dWrapped lIn hThe sArms 0Of sAnother Wdrapped Iln Thhe Asrms O0f Asnother erapped on yhe wrms lf wnother eWrapped oIn yThe wArms lOf wAnother Werapped Ion Tyhe Awrms Olf Awnother
srapped kn 6he xrms if xnother sWrapped kIn 6The xArms iOf xAnother Wsrapped Ikn T6he Axrms Oif Axnother 2rapped 8n ghe Arrms Off Annother 2Wrapped 8In gThe Ams O Aother
W2rapped I8n Tghe Amrs Of Aonther qrapped un rhe Adms Oc Amother qWrapped uIn rThe Adrms Ocf Amnother Wqrapped Iun Trhe Ardms Ofc Anmother Wrrapped Inn A4ms Or Ahother
Wapped I Te A4rms Orf Ahnother Warpped In Teh Ar4ms Ofr Anhother Wdapped Im Tje Agms Og Ajother Imn Tjhe Agrms Ogf Ajnother Wrdapped Inm Thje Argms Ofg Anjother
W4apped Ih Tue Atms Ot Abother W4rapped Ihn Tuhe Atrms Otf Abnother Wr4apped Inh Thue Artms Oft Anbother Wgapped Ij Tne A5ms Ov Anoother Wgrapped Tnhe A5rms Ovf Anther
Wrgapped Inj Thne Ar5ms Ofv Antoher Wtapped Ib Tbe Afms Od Ankther Wtrapped Ibn Tbhe Afrms Odf Ankother Wrtapped Inb Thbe Arfms Ofd Anokther W5apped Tge Aems An9ther
W5rapped Aerms An9other Wr5apped Thge Arems Ano9ther Wfapped Tye Armms An0ther Wfrapped Ars An0other Wrfapped Thye Arsm Ano0ther
Weapped Thee Arjs Anlther Th Arjms Anlother Wreapped The Armjs Anolther Wraapped Ths Arks Anither Wrpped Thse Arkms Aniother
Wrpaped Thes Armks Anoither Wrzpped Th3 Arns Anotther Wrzapped Th3e Arnms Anoher Wrazpped The3 Armns Anohter Wrqpped Thf Armss Anofher
Wrqapped Thfe Arm Anofther Wraqpped Thef Arms Anotfher Wrspped Thr Armz Ano5her Wrsapped Thre Armzs Ano5ther Wraspped Ther Armsz Anot5her
Wrwpped Th4 Armw Anohher Wrwapped Th4e Armws Anohther Wrawpped The4 Armsw Anothher Wrxpped Thd Armd Anoyher Wrxapped Thde Armds Anoyther
Wraxpped Thed Armsd Anotyher Wrappped Thw Arme Ano6her Wraped Thwe Armes Ano6ther

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