Susan Raye
Tennessee Bird Walk

(Jack Blanchard)

Take away the trees and the birds
All have to sit upon the ground
Take away their wings and the birds
All have to walk to get around.

Take away their bird baths
And dirty birds will soon be everywhere
Take away their feathers and the birds
Will walk around in underwear.

Take away their voice and the birds
Will have to whisper their sing (chirp-chirp)
Take away their common sense
And they'll head it southward in the spring.

Remember me my darling when spring is in the air
And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere.
And you can see them walkin' southward in their dirty underwear
Tennessee Bird Walk.

--- Instrumental ---

How 'bout some trees so the birds
Won't have to sit upon the ground
How 'bout some wings so the birds
Won't have to walk to get around.

How 'bout a bird bath or two
So the birds will all be clean
How 'bout some feathers so
Their underwear no longer will be seen.

How 'bout a voice so the birds
Won't have to whisper when they sing
How 'bout some common sense
So they won't be blockin' traffic in the spring.

Remember me my darling when spring is in the air
And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere.
And you can see them walkin' southward in their dirty underwear
Tennessee Bird Walk.

Tennessee Bird Walk, the Tennessee Bird Walk
The Tennessee Bird Walk...

Mirror lyrics:

The Tennessee Bird Walk...
Tennessee Bird Walk, the Tennessee Bird Walk

Tennessee Bird Walk.
And you can see them walkin' southward in their dirty underwear
And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere.
Remember me my darling when spring is in the air

So they won't be blockin' traffic in the spring.
How 'bout some common sense
Won't have to whisper when they sing
How 'bout a voice so the birds

Their underwear no longer will be seen.
How 'bout some feathers so
So the birds will all be clean
How 'bout a bird bath or two

Won't have to walk to get around.
How 'bout some wings so the birds
Won't have to sit upon the ground
How 'bout some trees so the birds

--- Instrumental ---

Tennessee Bird Walk.
And you can see them walkin' southward in their dirty underwear
And the bald headed birds are whispering everywhere.
Remember me my darling when spring is in the air

And they'll head it southward in the spring.
Take away their common sense
Will have to whisper their sing (chirp-chirp)
Take away their voice and the birds

Will walk around in underwear.
Take away their feathers and the birds
And dirty birds will soon be everywhere
Take away their bird baths

All have to walk to get around.
Take away their wings and the birds
All have to sit upon the ground
Take away the trees and the birds

(Jack Blanchard)

Relevant Tags:
TTennessee BBird WWalk ennessee ird alk eTnnessee iBrd aWlk fennessee vird aalk fTennessee vBird aWalk Tfennessee Bvird Waalk
5ennessee gird 3alk 5Tennessee gBird 3Walk T5ennessee Bgird W3alk hennessee nird dalk hTennessee nBird dWalk Thennessee Bnird Wdalk
yennessee hird ealk yTennessee hBird eWalk Tyennessee Bhird Wealk 6ennessee Biird salk 6Tennessee Brd sWalk T6ennessee Brid Wsalk
gennessee Bjrd 2alk gTennessee Bjird 2Walk Tgennessee Bijrd W2alk rennessee B9rd qalk rTennessee B9ird qWalk Trennessee Bi9rd Wqalk
Teennessee Blrd Tnnessee Blird Wlk Tnenessee Bilrd Wlak Tsnnessee Bord Wzlk Tsennessee Boird Wzalk Tesnnessee Biord Wazlk
T3nnessee Bkrd Wqlk T3ennessee Bkird Te3nnessee Bikrd Waqlk Tfnnessee B8rd Wslk B8ird Tefnnessee Bi8rd Waslk
Trnnessee Burd Wwlk Buird Wwalk Ternnessee Biurd Wawlk T4nnessee Birrd Wxlk T4ennessee Bid Wxalk Te4nnessee Bidr Waxlk
Tdnnessee Bidd Wallk Tdennessee Bidrd Wak Tednnessee Birdd Wakl Twnnessee Bi4d Wakk Twennessee Bi4rd Waklk Tewnnessee Bir4d Walkk
Tennnessee Bigd Waok Tenessee Bigrd Waolk Tennessee Birgd Walok Temnessee Bitd Wapk Temnnessee Bitrd Waplk Tenmnessee Birtd Walpk
Tehnessee Bi5d Tehnnessee Bi5rd Wal Tenhnessee Bir5d Walk Tejnessee Bifd Wall Tejnnessee Bifrd Tenjnessee Birfd Walkl
Tebnessee Bied Walo Tebnnessee Bierd Tenbnessee Bired Walko Walm Bir Walmk Tenenssee Bird Walkm
Tenmessee Birx Walj Birxd Waljk Tennmessee Birdx Walkj Tenhessee Bire Wali Walik Tennhessee Birde Walki
Tenjessee Birf Tennjessee Birdf Tenbessee Birr Tennbessee Birdr

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