Susan Raye
I Won't Be Needing You

(Buck Owens)

I don't need these fingers to count how long you're gone
I don't want these eyes of mine to watch good love go wrong
I don't need these mem'ries reminding me we're through
And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.

I don't need these arms of mine to hold you anymore
Lips so used to kissing you are suddenly ignored
I don't need this old heart breaking in two
And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.

I can't wait till everyting I ever plan's gone wrong
I can't wait till all of me that's left to see is gone
I don't need this old heart breaking in two
And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.

And when there's nothing left of me
I won't be needing you...

Mirror lyrics:

I won't be needing you...
And when there's nothing left of me

And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.
I don't need this old heart breaking in two
I can't wait till all of me that's left to see is gone
I can't wait till everyting I ever plan's gone wrong

And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.
I don't need this old heart breaking in two
Lips so used to kissing you are suddenly ignored
I don't need these arms of mine to hold you anymore

And when there's nothing left of me I won't be needing you.
I don't need these mem'ries reminding me we're through
I don't want these eyes of mine to watch good love go wrong
I don't need these fingers to count how long you're gone

(Buck Owens)

Relevant Tags:
II WWon't BBe NNeeding YYou on't e eeding ou I oWn't eB eNeding oYu j aon't ve meeding gou jI aWon't vBe mNeeding gYou Ij Waon't Bve Nmeeding Ygou
9 3on't ge heeding hou 9I 3Won't gBe hNeeding hYou I9 W3on't Bge Nheeding Yhou l don't ne jeeding 6ou lI dWon't nBe jNeeding 6You Il Wdon't Bne Njeeding Y6ou
o eon't he beeding uou oI eWon't hBe bNeeding uYou Io Weon't Bhe Nbeeding Yuou k son't Bee Neeeding 7ou kI sWon't B Neding 7You Ik Wson't Be Needing Y7ou
8 2on't Bs Nseding jou 8I 2Won't Bse Nseeding jYou I8 W2on't Bes Neseding Yjou u qon't B3 N3eding tou uI qWon't B3e N3eeding tYou Iu Wqon't Be3 Ne3eding Ytou
Woon't Bf Nfeding Yoou Wn't Bfe Nfeeding Yu Wno't Bef Nefeding Yuo Wkn't Br Nreding Yku Wkon't Bre Nreeding Ykou Wokn't Ber Nereding Yoku
W9n't B4 N4eding Y9u W9on't B4e N4eeding Y9ou Wo9n't Be4 Ne4eding Yo9u W0n't Bd Ndeding Y0u W0on't Bde Ndeeding Y0ou Wo0n't Bed Nededing Yo0u
Wln't Bw Nweding Ylu Wlon't Bwe Nweeding Ylou Woln't Bew Neweding Yolu Win't Yiu Wion't Yiou Woin't Nedeing Yoiu
Wonn't Nesding Youu Wo't Yo Wo'nt Neesding You Wom't Ne3ding Yoh Womn't Yohu Wonm't Nee3ding Youh
Woh't Nefding Yo7 Wohn't Yo7u Wonh't Neefding You7 Woj't Nerding Yok Wojn't Wonj't Neerding Youk
Wob't Ne4ding Yoi Wobn't Wonb't Nee4ding Youi Won''t Nedding Yo8 Wont Yo8u Wont' Needding You8
Won'tt Newding Yoj Won' Yoju Won't Neewding Youj

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