You're Gone (but Always In My Heart)

(Brian Holland/Lamont Dozier/Edward Holland, Jr.)

Gone is your smiling face
'Cause you're not around anymore
But the sound of your laughter
Still fills this empty place
'Cause you're always in my heart

Gone is the tender way
You used to whisper
How much you care
But the sound of your whisper
Still echoes lovely in the air
'Cause you're always in my heart

Though I removed
Your picture from the wall
Nothing's changed
For your image still remains

In my heart from you
It can't seem to part
Though gone is your warm embrace
But your memory
I can't erase

'Cause you're always in my heart
'Cause you're always in my heart
'Cause you're always in my heart

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause you're always in my heart
'Cause you're always in my heart
'Cause you're always in my heart

I can't erase
But your memory
Though gone is your warm embrace
It can't seem to part
In my heart from you

For your image still remains
Nothing's changed
Your picture from the wall
Though I removed

'Cause you're always in my heart
Still echoes lovely in the air
But the sound of your whisper
How much you care
You used to whisper
Gone is the tender way

'Cause you're always in my heart
Still fills this empty place
But the sound of your laughter
'Cause you're not around anymore
Gone is your smiling face

(Brian Holland/Lamont Dozier/Edward Holland, Jr.)

Relevant Tags:
YYou're GGone ((but AAlways IIn MMy HHeart) ou're one but lways n y eart) oYu're oGne b(ut lAways nI yM eHart) gou're hone (bbut zlways jn jy jeart)
gYou're hGone (ut zAlways jIn jMy jHeart) Ygou're Ghone (ubt Azlways Ijn Mjy Hjeart) hou're yone (vut qlways 9n ky ueart) hYou're yGone (vbut qAlways 9In kMy uHeart)
Yhou're Gyone (bvut Aqlways I9n Mky Hueart) 6ou're bone (gut slways ln ny neart) 6You're bGone (gbut sAlways lIn nMy nHeart) Y6ou're Gbone (bgut Aslways Iln Mny Hneart)
uou're vone (nut wlways on Myy beart) uYou're vGone (nbut wAlways oIn M bHeart) Yuou're Gvone (bnut Awlways Ion My Hbeart) 7ou're fone (hut xlways kn Mg geart)
7You're fGone (hbut xAlways kIn Mgy gHeart) Y7ou're Gfone (bhut Axlways Ikn Myg Hgeart) jou're tone (buut Allways 8n Mh yeart) jYou're tGone (bt Aways 8In Mhy yHeart)
Yjou're Gtone (btu Awlays I8n Myh Hyeart) tou're Goone (bht Akways un M6 Heeart) tYou're Gne Aklways uIn M6y Hart) Ytou're Gnoe (buht Alkways Iun My6 Haert)
Yoou're Gkne (b7t Aoways Inn Mu Hsart) Yu're Gkone (b7ut Aolways I Muy Hseart) Yuo're Gokne (bu7t Aloways In Myu Hesart) Yku're G9ne (bkt Apways Im M7 H3art)
Ykou're G9one (bkut Aplways Imn M7y H3eart) Yoku're Go9ne (bukt Alpways Inm My7 He3art) Y9u're G0ne (bit Alwways Ih Mj Hfart) Y9ou're G0one (biut Alays Ihn Hfeart)
Yo9u're Go0ne (buit Alawys Inh Myj Hefart) Y0u're Glne (b8t Alaays Ij Mt Hrart) Y0ou're Glone (b8ut Alaways Mty Hreart) Yo0u're Golne (bu8t Alwaays Inj Myt Herart)
Ylu're Gine (bjt Al3ays Ib H4art) Ylou're Gione (bjut Al3ways Ibn H4eart) Yolu're Goine (bujt Alw3ays Inb He4art) Yiu're Gonne (byt Aldays Hdart)
Yiou're Goe (byut Aldways Hdeart) Yoiu're Goen (buyt Alwdays Hedart) Youu're Gome (butt Aleays Hwart) Yo're Gomne (bu Aleways Hweart)
Yo'ure Gonme (but Alweays Hewart) Yoh're Gohe (buf Alsays Heaart) Yohu're Gohne (buft Alsways Hert) Youh're Gonhe (butf Alwsays Herat)
Yo7're Goje (bu5 Al2ays Hezrt) Yo7u're Gojne (bu5t Al2ways Hezart) You7're Gonje (but5 Alw2ays Heazrt) Yok're Gobe (buh Alqays Heqrt)
Gobne Alqways Heqart) Youk're Gonbe (buth Alwqays Heaqrt) Yoi're Gonee (buy Hesrt) Gon Alwys
Youi're Gone (buty Alwyas Heasrt)

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