My Funny Valentine

(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart)

My funny Valentine
Sweet comic Valentine
You make me smile with my heart

Your looks are laughable
Yet you're my fav'rite work of art

Is your figure less than Greek
Is your mouth a little weak
When you open it to speak
Are you smart?

Don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little Valentine
Each day is valentine's day

Is your figure less than Greek
Is your mouth a little weak
When you open it to speak
Are you smart?

Don't change a hair for me
Not if you care for me
Stay little Valentine
Stay, oh stay!
Each day is valentine's day

Mirror lyrics:

Each day is valentine's day
Stay, oh stay!
Stay little Valentine
Not if you care for me
Don't change a hair for me

Are you smart?
When you open it to speak
Is your mouth a little weak
Is your figure less than Greek

Each day is valentine's day
Stay little Valentine
Not if you care for me
Don't change a hair for me

Are you smart?
When you open it to speak
Is your mouth a little weak
Is your figure less than Greek

Yet you're my fav'rite work of art
Your looks are laughable

You make me smile with my heart
Sweet comic Valentine
My funny Valentine

(Richard Rodgers/Lorentz Hart)

Relevant Tags:
MMy FFunny VValentine y unny alentine yM uFnny aVlentine jy cunny balentine jMy cFunny bValentine Mjy Fcunny Vbalentine
ky runny calentine kMy rFunny cValentine Mky Frunny Vcalentine ny gunny galentine nMy gFunny gValentine Mny Fgunny Vgalentine
Myy tunny falentine M tFunny fValentine My Ftunny Vfalentine Mg vunny Vaalentine Mgy vFunny Vlentine Myg Fvunny Vlaentine
Mh dunny Vzlentine Mhy dFunny Vzalentine Myh Fdunny Vazlentine M6 Fuunny Vqlentine M6y Fnny Vqalentine My6 Fnuny Vaqlentine
Mu Fhnny Vslentine Muy Fhunny Vsalentine Myu Fuhnny Vaslentine M7 F7nny Vwlentine M7y F7unny Vwalentine My7 Fu7nny Vawlentine
Mj Fknny Vxlentine Fkunny Vxalentine Myj Fuknny Vaxlentine Mt Finny Vallentine Mty Fiunny Vaentine Myt Fuinny Vaelntine
F8nny Vakentine F8unny Vaklentine Fu8nny Valkentine Fjnny Vaoentine Fjunny Vaolentine Fujnny Valoentine
Fynny Vapentine Fyunny Vaplentine Fuynny Valpentine Funnny Valeentine Funy Valntine Funny Valnetine
Fumny Valsntine Fumnny Valsentine Funmny Valesntine Fuhny Val3ntine Val3entine Funhny Vale3ntine
Fujny Valfntine Valfentine Funjny Valefntine Fubny Valrntine Fubnny Valrentine Funbny Valerntine
Val4ntine Val4entine Funyn Vale4ntine Funmy Valdntine Valdentine Funnmy Valedntine
Funhy Valwntine Valwentine Funnhy Valewntine Funjy Valenntine Valetine Funnjy Valetnine
Funby Valemtine Valemntine Funnby Valenmtine Funnyy Valehtine Funn Valehntine Valenhtine
Funng Valejtine Funngy Valejntine Funnyg Valenjtine Funnh Valebtine Valebntine Funnyh Valenbtine
Funn6 Valenttine

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