Can't Take My Eyes Off You Quiet Night Of Quiet St...

(B. Crewe, B. Guido/A. Carlos Jobim, G. Lees, B. Kaye)

[Mary/spoken intro:]
Dom abigato, Jean. (chuckles) You know, I like to sing
this song for some of my favorite things in life: men.

You're just too good to be ture
And I can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like heaven to touch
Oo-ooh, I wanna hold you so much
At long last my love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
I can't take my eyes off of you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's just nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me so-o-o weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true, ooo
I can't take my eyes off of you

Quiet nights 'n quiet stars, quiet chords from my guitar
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet thoughts 'n quiet dreams, quiet walks by quiet streams
And the window I'm looking on the mountains and the sea

How lovely!
This is where I long to be here with you so close to me
Until the final flicker on light embers
I who was lost and lonely, believing life was only
A bit of tragic joke, I found you... you-ou-ou... baby, oh, if it's alright
I need you baby to warm the lonely ni-ights
Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oo-oohhhhhh
I love you baby, oh baby, don't you bring me down I pray
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you stay
Ooh, let me love you, I wanna love you
Maybe for a minute, oohhhhhhhhhh, oo-oohhhh you------------

If I could speak Japanese, I really do (chuckles)
'Cause you're just too goo-ood....
Ohhh, oh, oh, oh, you're just too goo-oo-oo-ood...
And I.... can't take my eyes... off of.. you-ou-ou.....
Ohhhh ohhhhh....

Mirror lyrics:

Ohhhh ohhhhh....
And I.... can't take my eyes... off of.. you-ou-ou.....
Ohhh, oh, oh, oh, you're just too goo-oo-oo-ood...
'Cause you're just too goo-ood....
If I could speak Japanese, I really do (chuckles) you------------
Maybe for a minute, oohhhhhhhhhh, oo-oohhhh
Ooh, let me love you, I wanna love you
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you stay
I love you baby, oh baby, don't you bring me down I pray
Oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oo-oohhhhhh
I need you baby to warm the lonely ni-ights baby, oh, if it's alright

A bit of tragic joke, I found you... you-ou-ou...
I who was lost and lonely, believing life was only
Until the final flicker on light embers
This is where I long to be here with you so close to me
How lovely!

And the window I'm looking on the mountains and the sea
Quiet thoughts 'n quiet dreams, quiet walks by quiet streams
Floating on the silence that surrounds us
Quiet nights 'n quiet stars, quiet chords from my guitar

I can't take my eyes off of you
You're just too good to be true, ooo
Let me know that it's real
But if you feel like I feel
There are no words left to speak
The sight of you leaves me so-o-o weak
There's just nothing else to compare
Pardon the way that I stare

I can't take my eyes off of you
You're just too good to be true
And I thank God I'm alive
At long last my love has arrived
Oo-ooh, I wanna hold you so much
You'd be like heaven to touch
And I can't take my eyes off of you
You're just too good to be ture

this song for some of my favorite things in life: men.
Dom abigato, Jean. (chuckles) You know, I like to sing
[Mary/spoken intro:]

(B. Crewe, B. Guido/A. Carlos Jobim, G. Lees, B. Kaye)

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