Tanya Tucker
The Man That Turned My Mama On

I wish I'd known the man a little better
that turned my mama on
he must have been a heck of a man
'cause mama was a lady don't you know

Mama was no prude but she was proper
never wore her dress too short
she didn't care if you did
but she'd have never taken a drink
Grandma Kate did the best she could
To see mama grew up right
so she'd be fittin' one day for courtin'
and to wear some gentleman's ring

I wish I'd known the man a little better
that turned my mama on
he was always laughing
and singing the right sweet song
I wish I'd known the man a little better
the turned my mama on
He must have been a heck of a man
'Cause mama was a lady don't you know

I hear he came to town one day
in a rusty old '49 Ford
selling lady's shoes and assorted greeting cards
he was killing good looking
and easy to like
and turning all the ladies' heads
but he saw mama first
and Lord knows how some of them travelin men are


Mama seemed to forget the things
that Grandma Kate had always told her
she ran away one night with a traveling man
they bought gas at Rita's truck stop
and drove to Dasota County
but he brought her home with a ring upon her hand
mama's told me how the fever took him
when I was barely 5
but I remember him pitchin' me up
and catchin' me
and I love to sit and listen to her
tell me about my daddy
she says he thought the sun would surely
rise and set in me

I wish I'd known the man a little better
that turned my mama on
he must have been a heck of a man
'cause mama was a lady don't you know
I wish I'd known the man a little better
the turned my mama on
He must have been a heck of a man
'Cause mama was a lady don't you know

Mirror lyrics:

'Cause mama was a lady don't you know
He must have been a heck of a man
the turned my mama on
I wish I'd known the man a little better
'cause mama was a lady don't you know
he must have been a heck of a man
that turned my mama on
I wish I'd known the man a little better

rise and set in me
she says he thought the sun would surely
tell me about my daddy
and I love to sit and listen to her
and catchin' me
but I remember him pitchin' me up
when I was barely 5
mama's told me how the fever took him
but he brought her home with a ring upon her hand
and drove to Dasota County
they bought gas at Rita's truck stop
she ran away one night with a traveling man
that Grandma Kate had always told her
Mama seemed to forget the things


and Lord knows how some of them travelin men are
but he saw mama first
and turning all the ladies' heads
and easy to like
he was killing good looking
selling lady's shoes and assorted greeting cards
in a rusty old '49 Ford
I hear he came to town one day

'Cause mama was a lady don't you know
He must have been a heck of a man
the turned my mama on
I wish I'd known the man a little better
and singing the right sweet song
he was always laughing
that turned my mama on
I wish I'd known the man a little better

and to wear some gentleman's ring
so she'd be fittin' one day for courtin'
To see mama grew up right
Grandma Kate did the best she could
but she'd have never taken a drink
she didn't care if you did
never wore her dress too short
Mama was no prude but she was proper

'cause mama was a lady don't you know
he must have been a heck of a man
that turned my mama on
I wish I'd known the man a little better

Relevant Tags:
TThe MMan TThat TTurned MMy MMama OOn he an hat urned y ama n hTe aMn hTat uTrned yM aMma nO fhe jan fhat furned jy jama kn fThe jMan fThat fTurned jMy jMama kOn
Tfhe Mjan Tfhat Tfurned Mjy Mjama Okn 5he kan 5hat 5urned ky kama 9n 5The kMan 5That 5Turned kMy kMama 9On T5he Mkan T5hat T5urned Mky Mkama O9n hhe nan hhat hurned ny nama 0n
hThe nMan hThat hTurned nMy nMama 0On Thhe Mnan Thhat Thurned Mny Mnama O0n yhe Maan yhat yurned Myy Maama ln yThe Mn yThat yTurned M Mma lOn Tyhe Mna Tyhat Tyurned My Mmaa Oln
6he Mzn 6hat 6urned Mg Mzma in 6The Mzan 6That 6Turned Mgy Mzama iOn T6he Mazn T6hat T6urned Myg Mazma Oin ghe Mqn ghat gurned Mh Mqma Onn gThe Mqan gThat gTurned Mhy Mqama O
Tghe Maqn Tghat Tgurned Myh Maqma On rhe Msn rhat rurned M6 Msma Om rThe Msan rThat rTurned M6y Msama Omn Trhe Masn Trhat Trurned My6 Masma Onm Mwn Tuurned Mu Mwma Oh
Te Mwan Tat Trned Muy Mwama Ohn Teh Mawn Taht Truned Myu Mawma Onh Tje Mxn Tjat Thrned M7 Mxma Oj Tjhe Mxan Tjhat M7y Mxama Ojn Thje Maxn Thjat Tuhrned My7 Maxma Onj
Tue Mann Tuat T7rned Mj Mamma Ob Tuhe Ma Tuhat T7urned Maa Obn Thue Man Thuat Tu7rned Myj Maam Onb Tne Mam Tnat Tkrned Mt Maja Tnhe Mamn Tnhat Tkurned Mty Majma
Thne Manm Thnat Tukrned Myt Mamja Tbe Mah Tbat Tirned Maka Tbhe Mahn Tbhat Tiurned Makma Thbe Manh Thbat Tuirned Mamka Tge Maj Tgat T8rned Mana
Majn T8urned Manma Thge Manj Thgat Tu8rned Mamna Tye Mab Tyat Tjrned Mamaa Mabn Tjurned Mam Thye Manb Thyat Tujrned Mama
Thee Thaat Tyrned Mamz Th Tht Mamza The Thta Tuyrned Mamaz Ths Thzt Turrned Mamq Thse Thzat Tuned Mamqa
Thes Thazt Tunred Mamaq Th3 Thqt Tudned Mams Th3e Thqat Tudrned Mamsa The3 Thaqt Turdned Mamas Thf Thst Tu4ned Mamw
Thfe Thsat Tu4rned Mamwa Thef Thast Tur4ned Mamaw Thr Thwt Tugned Mamx Thre Thwat Tugrned Mamxa Ther Thawt Turgned Mamax
Th4 Thxt Tutned Th4e Thxat Tutrned The4 Thaxt Turtned

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