Tanya Tucker
There Is A Place

There is a place,

Where you can go

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

And Juliet with Romeo,

And the name of the place is love

They put there hearts,

Into a song,

But hit the parades and hero's how they come and gone,

No one touched home,

But they got old,

And the name of the place was love

I know a man that once betrayed himself by reaching to me,

That reality was not love,

But when the morning sun came whistling through listen trees,

One look and I knew,

Oe seen it in me

There is a place,

where you can go,

to feel the beast, warmth, the good that only lovers know

a place to go,

for hate to grow,

and the name of the place is love

There is a place,

Where you can go

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

And Juliet with Romeo,

And the name of the place is love

There is a place,

Where you can go

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

And Juliet with Romeo,

And the name of the place is love

Mirror lyrics:

And the name of the place is love

And Juliet with Romeo,

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

Where you can go

There is a place,

And the name of the place is love

And Juliet with Romeo,

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

Where you can go

There is a place,

and the name of the place is love

for hate to grow,

a place to go,

to feel the beast, warmth, the good that only lovers know

where you can go,

There is a place,

Oe seen it in me

One look and I knew,

But when the morning sun came whistling through listen trees,

That reality was not love,

I know a man that once betrayed himself by reaching to me,

And the name of the place was love

But they got old,

No one touched home,

But hit the parades and hero's how they come and gone,

Into a song,

They put there hearts,

And the name of the place is love

And Juliet with Romeo,

Where memordlemns still dance with Malgeo,

Where you can go

There is a place,

Relevant Tags:
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Tyere Ia Placce Ias Plae Thyere Isa Plaec Theere Plafe Thre Plafce Three Placfe Thsre Plaxe
Thsere Thesre Placxe Th3re Plave

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