Tanya Tucker
I've Got Somebody

Everybody take a big long listen I've got somebody to love

Everybody take a big long listen cause I've got somebody to love

I used to worry bout tomorrow but tomorrow never came

Somebody with a crystal ball said you'll never be happy at all

Well that's one point for me and none for the ball

I've got somebody to love I've got somebody to take care of

I've got somebody to love

Everybody take a big long listen I've got somebody to love

[ guitar ]

I used to comb my hair for hours tryin' to make it look just right

I used to make fancy plans just to find someone and have a one night stand

Well that's all over now and here's the reason why

I've got somebody to love...

I've got somebody to love...

I've got somebody to love...

Mirror lyrics:

I've got somebody to love...

I've got somebody to love...

I've got somebody to love...

Well that's all over now and here's the reason why

I used to make fancy plans just to find someone and have a one night stand

I used to comb my hair for hours tryin' to make it look just right

[ guitar ]

Everybody take a big long listen I've got somebody to love

I've got somebody to love

I've got somebody to love I've got somebody to take care of

Well that's one point for me and none for the ball

Somebody with a crystal ball said you'll never be happy at all

I used to worry bout tomorrow but tomorrow never came

Everybody take a big long listen cause I've got somebody to love

Everybody take a big long listen I've got somebody to love

Relevant Tags:
II've GGot SSomebody 've ot omebody 'Ive oGt oSmebody j've hot zomebody jI've hGot zSomebody Ij've Ghot Szomebody
9've yot womebody 9I've yGot wSomebody I9've Gyot Swomebody l've bot domebody lI've bGot dSomebody Il've Gbot Sdomebody
o've vot eomebody oI've vGot eSomebody Io've Gvot Seomebody k've fot xomebody kI've fGot xSomebody Ik've Gfot Sxomebody
8've tot aomebody 8I've tGot aSomebody I8've Gtot Saomebody u've Goot Soomebody uI've Gt Smebody Iu've Gto Smoebody
I''ve Gkt Skmebody Ive Gkot Skomebody Iv'e Gokt Sokmebody I'vve G9t S9mebody I'e G9ot S9omebody I'ev Go9t So9mebody
I'be G0t S0mebody I'bve G0ot S0omebody I'vbe Go0t So0mebody I'ce Glt Slmebody I'cve Glot Slomebody I'vce Golt Solmebody
I'ge Git Simebody I'gve Giot Siomebody I'vge Goit Soimebody I'fe Gott Sommebody I'fve Go Soebody I'vfe Got Soembody
I'vee Gof Sojebody I'v Goft Sojmebody I've Gotf Somjebody I'vs Go5 Sokebody I'vse Go5t I'ves Got5 Somkebody
I'v3 Goh Sonebody I'v3e Goht Sonmebody I've3 Goth Somnebody I'vf Goy Someebody Goyt Sombody I'vef Goty Sombeody
I'vr Go6 Somsbody I'vre Go6t Somsebody I'ver Got6 Somesbody I'v4 Gog Som3body I'v4e Gogt Som3ebody I've4 Gotg Some3body
I'vd Gor Somfbody I'vde Gort Somfebody I'ved Gotr Somefbody I'vw Somrbody I'vwe Somrebody I'vew Somerbody
Som4body Som4ebody Some4body Somdbody Somdebody Somedbody
Somwbody Somwebody Somewbody Somebbody

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