Tanya Tucker
(without You) What Do I Do With Me

What do I do,
Now that I'm on my own?
What we did together
Beats anything I've done alone.
Since the day that you left,
I've been asking myself,
Is this how it's gonna be?
Without you,
What do I do with me?

I don't want to go out,
But I just can't stay home.
I don't need company,
But I sure don't want to be alone.
And to tell myself that I'm doin' well,
Is only makin' believe,
Without you,
What do I do with me?

Without you,
Where do I go?
Where do I turn?
I'd sure like to know.
What do I do,
With all of our things?
And how do I spend
All this time on my hands?

I've tried everything,
I've been rackin' my brain.
It must be as bad as it seems.
Without you,
What do I do with me?

Without you,
What do I do with me?

Mirror lyrics:

What do I do with me?
Without you,

What do I do with me?
Without you,
It must be as bad as it seems.
I've been rackin' my brain.
I've tried everything,

All this time on my hands?
And how do I spend
With all of our things?
What do I do,
I'd sure like to know.
Where do I turn?
Where do I go?
Without you,

What do I do with me?
Without you,
Is only makin' believe,
And to tell myself that I'm doin' well,
But I sure don't want to be alone.
I don't need company,
But I just can't stay home.
I don't want to go out,

What do I do with me?
Without you,
Is this how it's gonna be?
I've been asking myself,
Since the day that you left,
Beats anything I've done alone.
What we did together
Now that I'm on my own?
What do I do,

Relevant Tags:
((without YYou) WWhat DDo II DDo WWith MMe without ou) hat o o ith e w(ithout oYu) hWat oD I oD iWth eM (wwithout gou) ahat xo j xo aith je (ithout gYou) aWhat xDo jI xDo aWith jMe
(iwthout Ygou) Wahat Dxo Ij Dxo Waith Mje (aithout hou) 3hat eo 9 eo 3ith ke (awithout hYou) 3What eDo 9I eDo 3With kMe (waithout Yhou) W3hat Deo I9 Deo W3ith Mke (3ithout 6ou) dhat fo l fo dith ne
(3without 6You) dWhat fDo lI fDo dWith nMe (w3ithout Y6ou) Wdhat Dfo Il Dfo Wdith Mne (dithout uou) ehat ro o ro eith Mee (dwithout uYou) eWhat rDo oI rDo eWith M (wdithout Yuou) Wehat Dro Io Dro Weith Me
(eithout 7ou) shat co k co sith Ms (ewithout 7You) sWhat cDo kI cDo sWith Mse (weithout Y7ou) Wshat Dco Ik Dco Wsith Mes (sithout jou) 2hat so 8 so 2ith M3 (swithout jYou) 2What sDo 8I sDo 2With M3e
(wsithout Yjou) W2hat Dso I8 Dso W2ith Me3 (2ithout tou) qhat Doo u Doo qith Mf (2without tYou) qWhat D uI D qWith Mfe (w2ithout Ytou) Wqhat Do Iu Do Wqith Mef (qithout Yoou) Whhat Dk Dk Wiith Mr
(qwithout Yu) Wat Dko Dko Wth Mre (wqithout Yuo) Waht Dok Dok Wtih Mer (wiithout Yku) Wjat D9 D9 Wjth M4 (wthout Ykou) Wjhat D9o D9o Wjith M4e (wtihout Yoku) Whjat Do9 Do9 Wijth Me4
(wjthout Y9u) Wuat D0 D0 W9th Md (wjithout Y9ou) Wuhat D0o D0o W9ith Mde (wijthout Yo9u) Whuat Do0 Do0 Wi9th Med (w9thout Y0u) Wnat Dl Dl Wlth Mw (w9ithout Y0ou) Wnhat Dlo Dlo Wlith Mwe
(wi9thout Yo0u) Whnat Dol Dol Wilth Mew (wlthout Ylu) Wbat Di Di Woth (wlithout Ylou) Wbhat Dio Dio Woith (wilthout Yolu) Whbat Doi Doi Wioth (wothout Yiu) Wgat Wkth
(woithout Yiou) Wghat Wkith (wiothout Yoiu) Whgat Wikth (wkthout Youu) Wyat W8th (wkithout Yo) Wyhat W8ith (wikthout Yo)u Whyat Wi8th
(w8thout Yoh) Whaat Wuth (w8ithout Yohu) Wht Wuith (wi8thout Youh) Whta Wiuth (wuthout Yo7) Whzt Witth (wuithout Yo7u) Whzat Wih
(wiuthout You7) Whazt Wiht (witthout Yok) Whqt Wifh (wihout Whqat Wifth (wihtout Youk) Whaqt Witfh (wifhout Yoi) Whst Wi5h
(wifthout Whsat Wi5th (witfhout Youi) Whast Wit5h (wi5hout Yo8) Whwt Wihh (wi5thout Yo8u) Whwat Wihth (wit5hout You8) Whawt Withh
(wihhout Yoj) Whxt Wiyh (wihthout Yoju) Whxat Wiyth (withhout Youj) Whaxt Wityh (wiyhout Yoy) Whatt Wi6h (wiythout Yoyu) Wha Wi6th
(wityhout Youy) What Wit6h (wi6hout You)) Whaf Wigh (wi6thout You Whaft Wigth (wit6hout You) Whatf Witgh (wighout Wha5 Wirh
(wigthout Wha5t Wirth (witghout What5 Witrh (wirhout Whah (wirthout Whaht Wit (witrhout Whath With
Whay Witj (witout Whayt Witjh (witohut Whaty Withj

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