Tenth Avenue Breakdown

Well now how you doin' do I know you
Are you living round here or just passing through
Seems like I met you before well how you do

Take care while you're in there, the lights are low
Though the gals are good, they're not the kind you want to know
Just sit back, and drink a stiff one - enjoy the show

They got nothing on me, nothing I can see, nothing that could do me wrong
Cos I'm in my disguise they'll never get wise
Ain't nothing that can cause alarm

One hit that'll do you. You won't look back
You'll be feeling no pain. Put you right on track
Why don't you do it again ah now you're getting the knack

Let's go to a new place, the lights look good
Reflecting the rain across the neighbourhood
Who's that over there, looks like he's up to no good

"Hey what you doing to me, is that a knife that I see
Well are you trying to bring me down
I'm a tryin' to run but my legs are all numb
It's like I'm messin' with the wrong side of town"

You're on the wrong station, you're on the wrong track
You've lost your reservation, now you can't get back
You're getting a shake down, unlucky for you
Tenth Avenue breakdown...

"It's getting rough, just too tough
I'm all abused and so confused
I've got to go, I feel so low, just can't wait
It's gettin' late..."

Spoken: {Policeman's words]
Get down now...
Put your hands behind your head......
You have the right to remain silent ....
Anything you say can be used against you ....

"Don't know who came he just set upon me
It's kind of vague and I'm, I'm kind of groggy
But you must believe me, he just stopped breathing
I didn't do it, it wasn't me
I know it wasn't me"

Gettin' late we can't afford to wait
It's gettin' late we can't afford to wait [repeat]
You're on the wrong station, you're on the wrong track
You lost your reservation and you can't get back
You're getting to shake down, unlucky for you
Tenth Avenue breakdown

It's getting rough, it's just too tough
I'm all abused and so confused
I've got to go, feel so low
Just can't wait

Mirror lyrics:

Just can't wait
I've got to go, feel so low
I'm all abused and so confused
It's getting rough, it's just too tough

Tenth Avenue breakdown
You're getting to shake down, unlucky for you
You lost your reservation and you can't get back
You're on the wrong station, you're on the wrong track
It's gettin' late we can't afford to wait [repeat]
Gettin' late we can't afford to wait

I know it wasn't me"
I didn't do it, it wasn't me
But you must believe me, he just stopped breathing
It's kind of vague and I'm, I'm kind of groggy
"Don't know who came he just set upon me

Anything you say can be used against you ....
You have the right to remain silent ....
Put your hands behind your head......
Get down now...
Spoken: {Policeman's words]

It's gettin' late..."
I've got to go, I feel so low, just can't wait
I'm all abused and so confused
"It's getting rough, just too tough

Tenth Avenue breakdown...
You're getting a shake down, unlucky for you
You've lost your reservation, now you can't get back
You're on the wrong station, you're on the wrong track

It's like I'm messin' with the wrong side of town"
I'm a tryin' to run but my legs are all numb
Well are you trying to bring me down
"Hey what you doing to me, is that a knife that I see

Who's that over there, looks like he's up to no good
Reflecting the rain across the neighbourhood
Let's go to a new place, the lights look good

Why don't you do it again ah now you're getting the knack
You'll be feeling no pain. Put you right on track
One hit that'll do you. You won't look back

Ain't nothing that can cause alarm
Cos I'm in my disguise they'll never get wise
They got nothing on me, nothing I can see, nothing that could do me wrong

Just sit back, and drink a stiff one - enjoy the show
Though the gals are good, they're not the kind you want to know
Take care while you're in there, the lights are low

Seems like I met you before well how you do
Are you living round here or just passing through
Well now how you doin' do I know you

Relevant Tags:
TTenth AAvenue BBreakdown enth venue reakdown eTnth vAenue rBeakdown fenth zvenue vreakdown fTenth zAvenue vBreakdown Tfenth Azvenue Bvreakdown
5enth qvenue greakdown 5Tenth qAvenue gBreakdown T5enth Aqvenue Bgreakdown henth svenue nreakdown hTenth sAvenue nBreakdown Thenth Asvenue Bnreakdown
yenth wvenue hreakdown yTenth wAvenue hBreakdown Tyenth Awvenue Bhreakdown 6enth xvenue Brreakdown 6Tenth xAvenue Beakdown T6enth Axvenue Berakdown
genth Avvenue Bdeakdown gTenth Aenue Bdreakdown Tgenth Aevnue Brdeakdown renth Abenue B4eakdown rTenth Abvenue B4reakdown Trenth Avbenue Br4eakdown
Teenth Acenue Bgeakdown Tnth Acvenue Tneth Avcenue Brgeakdown Tsnth Agenue Bteakdown Tsenth Agvenue Btreakdown Tesnth Avgenue Brteakdown
T3nth Afenue B5eakdown T3enth Afvenue B5reakdown Te3nth Avfenue Br5eakdown Tfnth Aveenue Bfeakdown Avnue Bfreakdown Tefnth Avneue Brfeakdown
Trnth Avsnue Beeakdown Avsenue Bereakdown Ternth Avesnue Breeakdown T4nth Av3nue T4enth Av3enue Brakdown Te4nth Ave3nue Braekdown
Tdnth Avfnue Brsakdown Tdenth Brseakdown Tednth Avefnue Bresakdown Twnth Avrnue Br3akdown Twenth Avrenue Br3eakdown Tewnth Avernue Bre3akdown
Tennth Av4nue Brfakdown Teth Av4enue Tetnh Ave4nue Brefakdown Temth Avdnue Brrakdown Temnth Avdenue Tenmth Avednue Brerakdown
Tehth Avwnue Br4akdown Tehnth Avwenue Tenhth Avewnue Bre4akdown Tejth Avennue Brdakdown Tejnth Aveue Tenjth Aveune Bredakdown
Tebth Avemue Brwakdown Tebnth Avemnue Brweakdown Tenbth Avenmue Brewakdown Tentth Avehue Breaakdown Tenh Avehnue Brekdown Tenht Avenhue Brekadown
Tenfh Avejue Brezkdown Tenfth Avejnue Brezakdown Tentfh Avenjue Breazkdown Ten5h Avebue Breqkdown Ten5th Avebnue Breqakdown Tent5h Avenbue Breaqkdown
Tenhh Avenuue Breskdown Avene Tenthh Aveneu Breaskdown Tenyh Avenhe Brewkdown Tenyth Tentyh Avenuhe Breawkdown
Ten6h Aven7e Brexkdown Ten6th Aven7ue Brexakdown Tent6h Avenu7e Breaxkdown Tengh Avenke Breakkdown Tength Avenkue Breadown Tentgh Avenuke Breadkown
Tenrh Avenie Brealdown

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