Sitting Up Straight

Sitting up straight on the back of a bus,
Mimiking time as evening turns to dusk
Look at the boy with his face on the floor
So I have a little smoke to pass the time of day
Oh yeah, oh yeah...

He's like me, he would do anything to get away
I know, can you believe it everyday
I know I can't believe in you
It means everything and every pound of me

Sitting up straight on the back of a bus,
Mimiking time as evening turns to dusk
Look at the boy with his face on the floor
So I have a little smoke to pass the time of day
He's like me, he would do anything to get away
Hey hey, hey hey

I know, can you believe it everyday
I know I can't believe in you
It means everything and every pound of me

Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus

Mirror lyrics:

On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
On the back of a bus
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight
Stand up straight

It means everything and every pound of me
I know I can't believe in you
I know, can you believe it everyday

Hey hey, hey hey
He's like me, he would do anything to get away
So I have a little smoke to pass the time of day
Look at the boy with his face on the floor
Mimiking time as evening turns to dusk
Sitting up straight on the back of a bus,

It means everything and every pound of me
I know I can't believe in you
I know, can you believe it everyday
He's like me, he would do anything to get away

Oh yeah, oh yeah...
So I have a little smoke to pass the time of day
Look at the boy with his face on the floor
Mimiking time as evening turns to dusk
Sitting up straight on the back of a bus,

Relevant Tags:
SSitting UUp SStraight itting p traight iStting pU tSraight zitting hp ztraight zSitting hUp zStraight Szitting Uhp Sztraight
witting 7p wtraight wSitting 7Up wStraight Switting U7p Swtraight ditting kp dtraight dSitting kUp dStraight Sditting Ukp Sdtraight
eitting ip etraight eSitting iUp eStraight Seitting Uip Setraight xitting 8p xtraight xSitting 8Up xStraight Sxitting U8p Sxtraight
aitting jp atraight aSitting jUp aStraight Saitting Ujp Satraight Siitting yp Sttraight Stting yUp Sraight Stiting Uyp Srtaight
Sjtting Upp Sfraight Sjitting U Sftraight Sijtting Up Stfraight S9tting U0 S5raight S9itting U0p S5traight Si9tting Up0 St5raight
Sltting Ul Shraight Slitting Ulp Shtraight Siltting Upl Sthraight Sotting Uo Syraight Soitting Uop Sytraight Siotting Upo Styraight
Sktting S6raight Skitting S6traight Siktting St6raight S8tting Sgraight S8itting Sgtraight Si8tting Stgraight
Sutting Srraight Suitting Srtraight Siutting Strraight Sittting Siting Staight Sitting Staright
Sifting Stdaight Siftting Stdraight Sitfting Strdaight Si5ting St4aight Si5tting St4raight Sit5ting Str4aight
Sihting Stgaight Sihtting Sithting Strgaight Siyting Sttaight Siytting Sityting Strtaight
Si6ting St5aight Si6tting Sit6ting Str5aight Sigting Stfaight Sigtting Sitgting Strfaight
Sirting Steaight Sirtting Steraight Sitrting Streaight Straaight Stright Sititng Striaght
Sitfing Strzight Strzaight Sittfing Strazight Sit5ing Strqight Strqaight Sitt5ing Straqight
Sithing Strsight Strsaight Sitthing Strasight Sitying Strwight Strwaight

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