Teenage Fanclub
Four Strong Winds

Four strong winds that blow lonely
Seven seas that run high
All those things that don't change come what may
But our good times are all gone
And I'm bound for moving on
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way

And If I get home before the snow flies, And if things are looking good
You could meet me if I sent you down the fare
Still I wish you'd change your mind
If I ask you one more time
But we've been through that a hundred times before

Four strong winds that blow lonely
Seven seas that run high
All those things that don't change come what may
But our good times are all gone
And I'm bound for moving on
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way

Four strong winds that blow lonely
Seven seas that run high
All those things that don't change come what may
But our good times are all gone
And I'm bound for moving on
I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way

Mirror lyrics:

I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way
And I'm bound for moving on
But our good times are all gone
All those things that don't change come what may
Seven seas that run high
Four strong winds that blow lonely

I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way
And I'm bound for moving on
But our good times are all gone
All those things that don't change come what may
Seven seas that run high
Four strong winds that blow lonely

But we've been through that a hundred times before
If I ask you one more time
Still I wish you'd change your mind
You could meet me if I sent you down the fare
And If I get home before the snow flies, And if things are looking good

I'll look for you if I'm ever back this way
And I'm bound for moving on
But our good times are all gone
All those things that don't change come what may
Seven seas that run high
Four strong winds that blow lonely

Relevant Tags:
FFour SStrong WWinds our trong inds oFur tSrong iWnds cour ztrong ainds cFour zStrong aWinds Fcour Sztrong Wainds
rour wtrong 3inds rFour wStrong 3Winds Frour Swtrong W3inds gour dtrong dinds gFour dStrong dWinds Fgour Sdtrong Wdinds
tour etrong einds tFour eStrong eWinds Ftour Setrong Weinds vour xtrong sinds vFour xStrong sWinds Fvour Sxtrong Wsinds
dour atrong 2inds dFour aStrong 2Winds Fdour Satrong W2inds Foour Sttrong qinds Fur Srong qWinds Fuor Srtong Wqinds
Fkur Sfrong Wiinds Fkour Sftrong Wnds Fokur Stfrong Wnids F9ur S5rong Wjnds F9our S5trong Wjinds Fo9ur St5rong Wijnds
F0ur Shrong W9nds F0our Shtrong W9inds Fo0ur Sthrong Wi9nds Flur Syrong Wlnds Flour Sytrong Wlinds Folur Styrong Wilnds
Fiur S6rong Wonds Fiour S6trong Woinds Foiur St6rong Wionds Fouur Sgrong Wknds For Sgtrong Wkinds Foru Stgrong Wiknds
Fohr Srrong W8nds Fohur Srtrong W8inds Fouhr Strrong Wi8nds Fo7r Wunds Fo7ur Stong Wuinds Fou7r Storng Wiunds
Fokr Stdong Winnds Stdrong Wids Foukr Strdong Widns Foir St4ong Wimds St4rong Wimnds Fouir Str4ong Winmds
Fo8r Stgong Wihds Fo8ur Wihnds Fou8r Strgong Winhds Fojr Sttong Wijds

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