Tegan & Sara
Sentimental Tune

In a simple gray coat
In a simple white room

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

hate the tender hearted
torture song

catch a flame to my sentiment
my sentimental tune

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight
Unnerve the nerve
You're nervous
You're nervous that I'm right

Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight
Unnerve the nerve
You're nervous
You're nervous that I'm right

with your cause and affection
on my mind
I won't yield throw caution
Into the blaze

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

With a bit of friction
I'll be under your clothes
With a bit of focus
I'll be under your skin

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight
Unnerve the nerve
You're nervous
You're nervous that I'm right

Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight
Unnerve the nerve
You're nervous
You're nervous that I'm right

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

Now you know you know it now and sooo
Now you know you know it now

Mirror lyrics:

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

You're nervous that I'm right
You're nervous
Unnerve the nerve
Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

You're nervous that I'm right
You're nervous
Unnerve the nerve
Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

I'll be under your skin
With a bit of focus
I'll be under your clothes
With a bit of friction

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

Into the blaze
I won't yield throw caution
on my mind
with your cause and affection

You're nervous that I'm right
You're nervous
Unnerve the nerve
Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

You're nervous that I'm right
You're nervous
Unnerve the nerve
Hard hearted don't worry I'm ready for a fight

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

my sentimental tune
catch a flame to my sentiment

torture song
hate the tender hearted

Now you know you know it now
Now you know you know it now and sooo

In a simple white room
In a simple gray coat

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SSentimental TTune entimental une eSntimental uTne zentimental fune zSentimental fTune Szentimental Tfune wentimental 5une
wSentimental 5Tune Swentimental T5une dentimental hune dSentimental hTune Sdentimental Thune eentimental yune eSentimental yTune
Seentimental Tyune xentimental 6une xSentimental 6Tune Sxentimental T6une aentimental gune aSentimental gTune Saentimental Tgune
rune Sntimental rTune Snetimental Trune Ssntimental Tuune Ssentimental Tne Sesntimental Tnue S3ntimental Thne
S3entimental Se3ntimental Tuhne Sfntimental T7ne Sfentimental T7une Sefntimental Tu7ne Srntimental Tkne Srentimental Tkune
Serntimental Tukne S4ntimental Tine S4entimental Tiune Se4ntimental Tuine Sdntimental T8ne T8une Sedntimental Tu8ne
Swntimental Tjne Tjune Sewntimental Tujne Senntimental Tyne Setimental Setnimental Tuyne Semtimental Tunne
Semntimental Tue Senmtimental Tuen Sehtimental Tume Sehntimental Tumne Senhtimental Tunme Sejtimental Tuhe Sejntimental
Senjtimental Tunhe Sebtimental Tuje Sebntimental Senbtimental Tunje Senttimental Tube Senimental Tubne Senitmental Tunbe
Senfimental Tunee Senftimental Tun Sentfimental Tune Sen5imental Tuns Sen5timental Tunse Sent5imental Tunes Senhimental Tun3
Tun3e Senthimental Tune3 Senyimental Tunf Senytimental Tunfe Sentyimental Tunef Sen6imental Tunr Sen6timental Tunre
Sent6imental Tuner Sengimental Tun4 Sengtimental Tun4e Sentgimental Tune4 Senrimental Tund Senrtimental Tunde Sentrimental Tuned
Sentiimental Tunw Sentmental Tunwe Sentmiental Tunew Sentjmental Sentjimental Sentijmental Sent9mental
Sent9imental Senti9mental Sentlmental Sentlimental Sentilmental Sentomental Sentoimental
Sentiomental Sentkmental Sentkimental Sentikmental Sent8mental

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